The Truth about Omaha Beach

1  2018-11-04 by YeIsAltRight

Juno, Sword, Utah, and Gold were far, far deadlier. Americans exaggerated the amount of deaths they had on their side in order to make the "survivors" of what in reality was a brief skirmish look more badass. During and after the war, thug-like US soldiers were employed to destroy records, journalism and correspondence detailing the truth. Numbers of casualties on the other beaches also conveniently shrank. The reality was that most US soldiers did not fight at all, and were employed by the British and Canadian armies in simpler, less dangerous roles, like stevedores, construction workers, etc. Churchill could not speak out on this nonsense because members of his family were kidnapped and held until 1947, by which time the US military had already thoroughly altered the record. Even still, they could not hide the total extent of their cowardice. Fifteen years ago, you could have gone to Normandy (or in fact anywhere else in France, Italy and western Germany), asked elderly residents about memories of American soldiers, and been met with a confused, blank look.

The entire Pacific front is an even bigger lie, although I'll go into that another day.


Did it hurt worse when your father came out of the closet or stuck his dick down your throat you limey cunt

Mel, did you fall asleep in the jacuzzi again?

Has anyone ever told you that you are an idiot?

What's next? You gonna say the holocaust numbers are fudged?

I'm going with "it never happened".

It seems like any good conspiracy theory, especially one that seems to have some plausibility, quickly takes a left turn to "IT WAS THE JEWS!!!"

all those gay european WW2 survivors died of AIDS 15 years ago so good luck proving this

Shit, I believe you motherfucker.

i didn't tell you anything.

Nice Reddit meme, stupid.

Are you lost?

Aren't you some kind of street shitter? Don't take it out on us because all your Grandpa Pajeet did during the war was serve tea to his British colonial overlords.

Holy fuck, someone has been watching History on cable for a hot minute.

I like where this is going

Thank you for saying what needs to be said. I thought only today's troops were scoundrels before.

the fact I'm only hearing this now on the sub of a defunct radio show, makes it more believable.

Even if all of this is true, we had to come in and end your stupid fucking war. America cleaning up Europe's poppy diaper as usual.