Luis J Gomez gives Opie "Real Ass Dude of the Week" after backing down from a street fight with him

1  2018-11-03 by NondenominationalBen


is that the creek and cave chick that wanted Ant banned?

no her name is rebecca trent shes on the newest legion of skanks

Rebecca Trent came out fully supporting Anthony Cumia.

I want Antifa NY to burn her club to the ground for supporting and harboring an alt right racist piece of shit who bites women and grooms little girls.

Do ya?

Big Cumia fan are ya? Faggot.


Are you Hosp?


You're Hosp?

Could only take 3 mins of that babble...

Who's the fat cunt across from them? Fucking yuck.

They call him the sniper, he’ll make you laugh so hard you might need a diaper.

Please tell me they never said that.

It was a line in their old opening rap song

The guy who wrote that is a respected veteran roubd gere so b nice

d'you buy doipers?

There are people on here that don't know who Zack Amico is? Yeah, he looks like a retarded faggot but he's pretty funny.

I said across from them, stupid. Them implying Luis and Zac.

Opie says weird shit to people. I dont get how he can be butt hurt about what someone said on a podcast when that is what Opie did his whole entire career

He's probably more mad that Luis was on Jim & Sam a while after the firing and gloated a little about it because he thought Opie screwed with his ability to get a better gig at Sirius than the MMA show. I think Luis had tried to get a show with himself, Tim Dillon and Nick Mullen or a show with Zac Amico.

He's probably more mad that Luis was on Jim & Sam a while after the firing and gloated a little about it because he thought Opie screwed with his ability to get a better gig at Sirius than the MMA show. I think Luis had tried to get a show with himself, Tim Dillon and Nick Mullen or a show with Zac Amico.

We heard you

I give him credit for saying something to Luis’s face, but his sensitivity is embarrassing.

Because if you can't back it up, why shit on the guy? Luis is a fag. He even said he doesn't know Opie.

louis did back it up he just didnt want to get into it with the autist Opie with his retard daughter.

Yeah well, but he sounds mad that Opie didn't want to do his show or having him on a guest either. But why would he? He's obviously shitting on him, so why let him promote anything?

Sounds more like to me that the snotty little kid who joined in with the other kids that were talking trash even though he had nothing to do with it, suddenly got called out. I mean, why would Opie be friendly to someone he doesn't know but still takes shot at him publicly? Would you?

we heard you, shut up faggot.

Opie used his retarded daughter to make louis feel awkward

I am disappointed that there was no mongoloid confirmation.

Yeah exactly. All I heard was a long way to say “I was just talking shit because that was the thing that made me cool and earn points amongst my friends.” Other then the black balling him from Sirius thing, he didn’t really have any other reason to talk shit about the guy.

O&A bitched out in front of Whoopi Goldberg when she walked in on them.

Who wouldn't when a 200 pound Gorilla comes into the studio?

the destroyer is an alpha male and confronts people to their face when he has a problem.

Not now dude

you want me to leave it alone?

When did Michael Moore get tats?

Roy Rogers & Me

Bowling for Cholesterol

Who would win a fight to the death Opie or Luis.

opies tits are shock absorbent

Are they underwater or not?

Opster is 6th level jiujitsu expert, he taught rogan all he knows

I first read this as he taught his organ everything he knows because I am a dyslexic faggot. Graduated high school, even though I was always high and full of learning disabilities. Jim and Ant are really fucking dumb.

The Puerto Rican Rattlesnake would choke him out.

The world if they both died.

i dont think ive seen a bigger fucking female as a guy than opie. whiney thin skinned fat titted faggot. nice try wit da hate tho.

This reminds me why Opie will always be number poop on🐶.

Nice truimph reference stupid

Nice recognition, stupid

...very well... Carry on

To the question of 'why are you shitting on me?' Luis has about 10 reasons right there.

Remember when Zac was this subs golden boy cause he would read here and shit on opie “sniper” lmao

Luis was lucky Opie had his daughter with him. Otherwise, he would have beaten that fake tough guy to a pulp.

This show is almost as bad as Jim and Sam. It's not that women aren't funny, it's just that I am beginning to think that all comics are women.

I haven't listened to RAP in awhile, but I like Luis. This might be the most boring, directionless discussion I've ever listened to.

I used to love RAP but what the fuck was this? Barely even made it through. Awful. Guess i won't be trying to get back into it.

The audio of this appeared on you tube after it was posted here. Shockingly, posted by a guy that sounds like his tongue is too big for his mouth

The Opester laying down the law.

He's such a scum fucking liar. The only reason Luis shit on Opie is because he was with compound at the time and he wanted to give Ant a boner.

Luis showing what a slimy little beta weasel he is here. Try to act nice to Opie. Immediately get called out. Cower, minimize, and try to walk back what you previously said about him.

Then about halfway through he switches his story and says he bravely listed all the reasons he didn't like Opie and "DUDE LIKE WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE BRO".

Naming bonnie, sam and Jimmy as your friends makes you a retarded ass hole

He's probably more mad that Luis was on Jim & Sam a while after the firing and gloated a little about it because he thought Opie screwed with his ability to get a better gig at Sirius than the MMA show. I think Luis had tried to get a show with himself, Tim Dillon and Nick Mullen or a show with Zac Amico.

He's probably more mad that Luis was on Jim & Sam a while after the firing and gloated a little about it because he thought Opie screwed with his ability to get a better gig at Sirius than the MMA show. I think Luis had tried to get a show with himself, Tim Dillon and Nick Mullen or a show with Zac Amico.

I give him credit for saying something to Luis’s face, but his sensitivity is embarrassing.

Because if you can't back it up, why shit on the guy? Luis is a fag. He even said he doesn't know Opie.

the destroyer is an alpha male and confronts people to their face when he has a problem.