Opie confronts Luis J. Gomez in the street [Audio]

1  2018-11-03 by LOSfan


Things Nana and Work Could Not Do that Opie Could 1/56789: Directly confront someone who there is hostility with.

Opie bringing that big dick energy once again

Opie really has stepped up his game lately

Only reason luis backed down is because opies daughter coulda hulk smashed him with her tard strength

Damn Opie even getting real ass dude of the week honors now. What a guy

He called opie passive aggressive for not following him on twitter....

You get the follow from an EQUAL, you follow back!

Fuck luis is a long winded story teller. 11mins of him trying to get to the point.

When you do this many podcasts, you get used to killing time.

Can understand as not always a wealth of material to eat up the time. That clip though makes me want to steer my car into oncoming traffic, perform make the pencil disappear like in batman. Also how you worded that, you part of the show?

Fuck luis is a long winded story teller. 11mins of him trying to get to the point.

In his defense it would have taken Big Jay 3 shows to tell the same story.

/u/ThePRRattlesnake in all seriousness, would you have Opie's show on GAS Digital if the opportunity came up?

What date was this audio?

The rebirth of Opie the destroyer has been absolutly beautiful!! He's a motherfucking phoniex rising from the ashes of the o&a shit pile.

I don't know how its possible but somehow Opie has more buzz surrounding him then both Jim and Anthony combined

I have no clue what Anthony has been up to for like the past 2 years since I'm not a Compound Media subscriber and he's off all social media platforms

Chad Viking family man Opie vs Virgin Luis -"ditched my babymama after she gave birth" LA CREATURA mongrel- J. Gomez.

The alpha energy=confront & control&s submit a known violent minority youth while holding a small child in your arms. Based Greg

Youth? He’s almost 40

40 is 13 in Puerto Rican years

/u/ThePRRattlesnake, seriously though did his daughter look....downsy at all?

Like is she fucking retarded for real or what?


t. opie

Sounded like somebody asked him that and he shot it down. The Hughes seed is flawless.

I was semi excited to listen to this but fucking Geno Bisconte is on

I unironically sorta like Opie now.

A true man amongst faggots. He should've left comedy for fishing or something. Imagine being a man having to deal with these sissies back talking you like it's high-school and not standing up for themselves either.

Luis is such a fag about it. So he said nothing back? He's still mad because Opie didn't want some mic-opener on his national broadcaster show? He only shit on Opie because his friends did so? While still not knowing him and never had a problem with him (which he obviously does, you can hear it in his voice)?


What a fag.

I like Luis but he sounds so whiny here. Opie has these guys shook.


Opie definitely alpha'd his ass

hey u/ThePRRattlesnake I DM'd this to Opie prepare to get your cake stomped, nigger.


His response was "He's a pussy" hahahaha

If this had been Anthony or Jim, they would have raced home, locked all the doors in their house, ran to twitter and tweeted passive aggressively about it.

JFC its like 8 minutes of backpedaling and couching his reasons, what a pussy

was a cum pound me dear employee at one point, they all submit to the opster

Luis unexpectedly making someone the Real-Ass Dude of the Week always makes me happy

I fully expected a Vos roll. Was pleasantly surprised.

I've found that it always is just enough time for me to not be skeptical of every single link before another vid plug

People act like Opie didn't beat up a french man underwater, and break Paul Bond's nose years ago. Opie isn't Metzger or that other guy he fought at Ellismania, you don't run up on him like some punk wearing mommy's shoes.

Opie's like the 50 Cent of the middle age white podcast game.

Gives me Jim Norton and his Steve Martin encounter vibes.

Of course, Opie caused none of that hostility. It’s always the other side.

its a one side cake stomping, the other sides always just passive aggressively ran to twitter

Fucking yuck. That lame ass “real ass dude” song is weak as all fuck. And his weird fucking vocal fry vibrato thing that his voice goes into every ten seconds...wtf? It’s not quite a disgusting phlegm throat vocal, but it’s something close to that. Whatever the fuck it is makes listening to this “real ass” dude fucking intolerable to be entirely honest.

I want to hear the story, but I also don't want to listen to this unfunny faggot for 11 minutes.

Opie directly takes a motherfucker to task, as per usual. Nothing new for the brothaman.

Opie directly takes a motherfucker to task, as per usual. Nothing new for the brothaman.

At least the other side was funny. Like Opie never bitches on twitter

You get the follow from an EQUAL, you follow back!


Opie definitely alpha'd his ass

In his defense it would have taken Big Jay 3 shows to tell the same story.