When you hear Ant is losing money

1  2018-11-03 by l0v3s2sp00ge


Jim's got a boyfriend and I hate that bitch.

Say, "I'm not gay!"

Say, "I'm not gay-ah!"

No way-ay-ay-ay!

Nana, Jimmy sucks a big cock!

They want more deniro just to phone it in well my friend ya gotta say...


He wants more tokens just to at home

cuz that twanks got expensive AIDS

Say no way, say no wayyyy-a, Nana why dont you get a job?

She wants more dinero just to stay in the compound.

He won't admit that he's gay.

He tells me every day.

Nana and the kids, you gotta keep em separated.

He's busy....very busy.

This guy doesn't get it

But I did get a job.

He’s pretty bi for a white guy

Other dude could pass for Joe Derosa if Joe had an actual jawline and cheekbones.

I won’t pay I won’t pay... for a compound sub

Ant’s got a girlfriend but she has a dick.

We tell him every day

he says to us "guys she she doesn't have a dick"


we tell him "ant, that's kind of gay"


Wait..I got one...


Hour late...this little slit...drank more Bud Light... than I'd like to admit

she came over...I lost my gun...took her back and...chomped on her hand

good one jay

Thanks, brah. That is supposed to be read to the tune of Self Esteem

I go deep with the The Offspring.

I figured it out. I'm a deep-cuts guy myself

  • Sniff *

Americana is a great album, IDC what you people say.

Crazy Taxi on dreamcast got me hooked on The Offspring again after their #1 hit tunes that were burned into my brain in my teenage years.

I started listening to the Ignition album and really liked the whole album, no cheesy goof songs that they became known for. It was before their breakout album smash and a bit before my time. Some cool surf rock inspired shit.

Underated band that unfortunately got popular from the worst tracks with public appeal


Kick Him When He's Down is one of their best moments, as is Dirty Magic..ever hear acoustic version?

Ixnay on the Hombre is also great. They quickly went downhill after Americana though.

Got really shit after Ron left

Smash is better. 97-98 was around the time they were trying way too hard to cash in on the fame by doing Pop-rock.


Still love it though.

Americana is one of the only albums I can sit and listen the whole way through. I'm not sure I've ever owned a Smashmouth album, but they weren't bad.

Pretty Fly For A Black Guy

The offspring is the worst.

Ignition, Smash, and Ixnay are all great albums.


Ignition is fucking fantastic still!

I agree, but fuck you the offspring are great too

agreed. SoCal shopping mall faux punk

Ewwww the singer had white guy dreadlocks back then

DeRosa rocking the background

niggas an AIDS scientist now

Un dos tress quarto sinco sinco sue

Yeah hey fellas I got a sick ass sweet 2 year old AC unit on the fritz can someone help me get in touch with Ant? And when he's done fixing mine I hear this dude Gregg "Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North" Hughes needs someone to take a look at his unit. Feuds are feuds and hurt feelings are hurt feelings but you got to put that all aside in business. It's business, not personal TRUST ME. OK? TRUST ME. HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON!!!!!!!!!! NOW GO HOME AND GET YOUR A/C REPAIR BOX!!!!!!!

Sup Titus lookin’ muthafucka

Kick a man when he's down. That's what you do!

I know that has been the speculation for a good while that he is losing money. Is it confirmed somewhere?

I worked over the proposas, for the tenth time today

I practiced all the things i would say

But she came online

I lost my nerve

I just hit the donate button again way more than she deserved.


Little known fact: Bad Habit was about Ant. Not that you’d know it looking at him now.

good one jay