Philip Marma Memorial Thread

1  2018-11-03 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

He was one of us.


I'll raise a joint for my nigga that I never knew. Harts dots and prares to his family.

Rest in Peace, Phillip; the peace of knowing that unlike Ro Cumia, you'll never be forgotten.

Poor guy, not to sound like a faggot but he was one of the better posters here.


I wanna send his wife sum edible panties, wutz da address

Is he dead?

That was fast.

I can only hope it happens to more people here.

Any particular criteria? Or just because they post here?

You worried you are on the list?

Honestly, I’m doing nothing with my life, I’m currently unemployed, and I have no children. If I died prematurely, it might be better than if an engineer or a scientist with a family got murdered or something. I was just curious as to what your criteria might be.

I am not doing nothing with mine either, quick killing ass cancer is better than languishing in our own shit.

One of the things Phil wrote in those last few comments was that he used to be suicidal and his illness made him realize how silly it was to want to throw away all there is. If any of you so called pieces of shot are feeling worthless, know that you'll have the moments after reading this and possibly tomorrow to start anew. Or you can piss it away playing video games and laughing about Tunisian podcasters with lime green canvas walls that are used to load fucking screen savers of the NYC skyline on them.

That was oddly inspiring.

I've wasted so much time. But wtf am I supposed to do? Go feed the homeless? They fucking stink and are horrible people.

Go see some stuff. Eat some foods you haven’t tried. Listen to some music you haven’t heard. Gain some perspective. You don’t need to become a fucking Saint to make life worthwhile, but sometimes broadening your view can make things a bit better. For starters, you can have some potato skins while listening to a fake biker gang member play Eric Clapton hits at a TGIFriday’s.

If I died prematurely, it might be better for society than if an engineer or a scientist with a family got murdered or something.

I just had this realization for the first time after my 40 year old coworker died, it totally changed my life bro

Yeah. Just being honest. I fear death as much as the next guy.

This turned dark. I was just wishing ass cancer on more people so this dying shitpit can have fresh content.

It's not easy, but you're doing God's work.

Get a life insurance policy and make a friend the beneficiary. Like Pepper Hicks did. Maybe don't even tell them. That way when you die, you spread happiness and your friends can have a blowout party.

I intoned that I was a little down, but I’m not suicidal. LOL. I’m just lamenting my current state of uselessnes and not the fact that I’m still breathing.

Wadda ya wanna live forever?

You are no more or no less mentally ill than the rest of us.

Whether that is good or bad depends on how you perceive this place.

Yeah, I was just being honest and thinking practically, is all.

He was one of us. R.I.P.

Don't speak ill of the dead. But seriously, has he past?

He might have been the least deserving of cancer among us.

He past. sniff

No one's provided any evidence whatsoever that he's died. OP just decided that enough time has passed so that it's probably happened and we're all just running with it. We don't have great journalistic standards here at The Daily O and A. At least he'll get to read all the nice eulogies about him before he checks out. Most of us don't get that privilege. RIP Phil!

his brother commented here yesterday that he passed last weekend

Nice speaking for everyone when you don't know shit, stupid

It's all been downhill since funny mofos daily folded

There's word Nigel Igger will be speaking at his funeral

“And now a few words from cunt lord shitdick...”

I heard Opie is going to record his podcast at the funeral.

He cant get the podcast equipment there unfortunately

Poor fuck. Hopefully he went/goes so fucked up he don’t know what planet he’s on.


I really hoped Anthony & Artie died before him. I'm going to troll everyone in the O&A universe I can out of respect.

You’re the best poster here.

Gods work

Please use your semi-fame to spread the word about jims sexual predator escapades. The underage girl, the rubbing his dick on girls legs, etc. People will take you seriously because of your lpuis ck prediction.

I had a strange dream that Artie committed suicide after escaping from custody (drunk in public) and hiding in a mascot costume at some high school.

It should've been Joe

You could say that about every person who has died.

Including Charles Manson.

manson was a better guitarist

And got hotter chicks

And went on more coherent rants.

And had a better family

Was not an alleged pedophile.

Did not take child spit by force.

Actually sadly that's a trait he DID share with the Cumia's. He was a bit of a kid lover. He definitely hooked up with an underage girl or two

He definitely fucked underage girls but I wouldn’t say he was a kid lover. More like he didn’t check ID’s. Not like Nana who targets children.

P.S. Joe Cumia enjoys the spit of children for sexual reasons as well.

And a better song writer, too.

Tawtzen prayuhhs

God be with him, no BS

Whoa you aren’t kidding

These niggas just pancreas and neck.

Rest in power my nigga

R.I.P. He’s now in a better place, which would be any place but here.





Rest in Peace Brothaman Philip Marma! May he be delighted by Patrice O'Neal and slutty angels in heaven

In death a member of this sub has no real name. His name Philip Marma

Nice quote butchering, stupid.

Was Phil his actual name or an alias?

In death a member of this sub has no real name. His name Philip Marma

He's with Patrice now.

Blue Phillip.

He liked the taste of butta

They're bonding over their busted pancreata

I'll never forget that one time he came on here and told us all he had cancer and was going to die.

It's one of my fondest memories of him

My personal favorite was when his brother came on here and told us he died

its my only memory of him, I wasn't around here much until lately. Also I rarely look at usernames.

My personal favorite was when his brother came on here and told us he died

That was hilarious, I can't wait until the sequel.

Hopefully his brother is diagnosed with a terminal illness soon, that bloodline fighting for their lives really lit a fire under this community

I am hoping for AIDS something slower, so we can place bets for real money on his weekly weight loss and a make game out of it.

He was a man of his word to the end.

This thread is oddly touching and hilarious. Way better than IRL mourning, so thanks.

Happy to help. Hope you and yer family are doing ok.

He went through the western door.

Saloon doors

He was 14 years old.

She drowned in bathtub like a toddler


I wished he lived long enough to see Ant's book bomb.

A damn shame.

Stupid dead faggot

Is what it'll say on your headstone

God bless you Philip Marma. Sending love to your family, especially your mom. Rest in Peace. 🙏

No gofundme’s

no elaborate looook at me shits.

Maybe just when you’re out and about... do something nice for somebody, monetarily, or otherwise, honor Philip that way.

And feed nana ldo

He donated his Fortune to help those victims of domestic violent in Long island

He really was a fantastic egg

Nobody is perfect.

Poor feller

Rip in peace

I talked to him and he told me the hardest thing was watching what his dying was doing to his mother. Sending love to her tonight. RIP Phil

I'll throw her a pity fuck

Two of em?



I'll throw her a pity fuck

it's what he would have wanted

r.i.p he was a real one ☝️ May he meet terry davis on his journey above.

This makes me sad. If only Pete davidson could have gone before him. But life is cruel.

Only the good die young that means Anthony, Jim and Sam will out live us all. Rest in power Phillip.

Dicks out for Philip Marma


(Sniff) We used to spend hours on the phone making each other laugh.

R.I.P. Phil

Opie didn't refuse to be a pallbearer at his funeral

Goodbye, pal.

Some of us deserve to get what he allegedly had

sent to obscurity

RIP in peace. Wherever he is, I hope he's getting blown before the jacuzzi.

Living people are faggots anyway

This is going to be my epitaph.

Go easy bro

That's what you get for disagreeing with me on the internet.

Generosity lives forever, and Phil was a giver, never a taker.

So, he was a Top?

he was a power bottom

He’a in a better place now.

A cemetery.

I have to confess something, we were gay lovers that fucked and sucked each other until the very end. Miss ya buddy

now that you mention it, I'm glad I was able to forget about him so quickly


This was the guy that came and told us he had cancer a couple weeks ago week? Jesus that’s so fuckin quick. RIP, hopefully he’s at peace

We found out about my dad's pancreatic cancer on June 12. July 12 he was gone. It is a motherfucker that cancer.

Rip to your pops man

Thanks, Brothaman. Hope your grapefruit beers are extra chill tonight.

Very sad to hear. RIP brother. Hopefully ant doesnt gloat about this one.

He is with Qadan now.

They said he'd make Christmas goddamnit.

I'll use his death as an excuse to be an even bigger degenerate tonight. This bump and pill and drink and smoke is for you Philip!

RIP Brotherman!

Any sisters need consoling?

Me you, u/sams_seed can watch, maybe take photos for all the peeps here.

tauts n preiyz

Here lies Philip Marma He never scored

Seriously though, RIP brother


Rest easy budday.. Say hello to Patrice, Ralphie May, Otto, Josh Fonner and the rest of the crew for us.


Since he can't

Your moms box

He seemed like a real class act. Poor guy... The world can be a damn cruel place.

The world will motherfuck you.

If it all was real it really went 0 to 100mph and then 100mph to brick wall really fast.

RIP Philip Marma

I imagine he's up there in the big subreddit in the sky hanging with Patrice and a grown-up Qadan Kuhn, about to get blown before the jacuzzi, having a grand time.

Rest in Peace, Phil. . . I hope he saw my request, about haunting Joe Cumia by busting his guitar strings every show he plays.

Rest in peace brother man, I know you're up there enjoying yourself in nice grapefruit beer on the Golden Shores of Heaven. Or the fiery trenches of Hell, who knows. Anyways cheers🍻

He's going to see Ro more recently than Ant.

He's gone to a better place... Shelbyville Hospital!

Rest easy brothaman, raising a grapefruit beer in your honor tonight.


Yeah. Just being honest. I fear death as much as the next guy.

Including Charles Manson.

And had a better family

Was not an alleged pedophile.