Libtard school DISTRICT to investigate PATRIOTS dressed as FREEDOM Wall, Wetbacks

1  2018-11-02 by crookedmile


I hope that caravan gets machine gunned (if they start throwing rocks). Let Londonistan be a lesson on unrestricted immigration

There's still a few MOABs they need to use before they expire.

They won't. As much as I hate kikes, look how libs respond to them mowing down Muslims who throw rocks. The only reason these spics are coming is precisely because they know this country is weak and there wont be any serious repercussions to trying to enter.

If they get turned back, they'll just wait and come in illegally later on.



Ugh..."libtards" and not even using the term ironically. This sub is getting more worse by the day.

Ya missed it, Colinfagerty, ya big fat pig.

"more worse"


Just like the grammar.

Guess I forgot to laff.

that's a sweet fucking JOE POST right their (sic).