Missing 16 yo girl from MD. last seen in Long Island sent iPad by strange adult male.

1  2018-11-02 by Dad4Trump

Brooklyn Mackenzie Hays was reported missing late September after her parents found out that she was sent iPads by at least 1 strange man. She has last been spotted in Nassau County and is believed to be in Long Island.

This story brought back so many memories of a certain someone who would send iPads to young girls (Or guys he thought was a young girl). Then it just freaked me out when I learned she may be in Long Island.




She lost, already in South Waziristan

Don't worry, I'm sure she's bloated at the bottom of Ant's pool.

People should let me name their kids

I think we have enough children with made up names for now

White ppl are worse


The Irish aren't people.


Proof her father is caucasian please

The fact it says mommy and daddy love you and the fact she's graduating?

Worst than Qualcomm Kuhn?

Graduating pre school?

Just replace the kh's with q's and I guarantee there's a black kid with the same name

You found an extreme aberration. That is the norm for Black people.


All righy, what would you have named her?

Meron pronounced like Karen.

You never disappoint

What's your name btw? Isn't it Shaneequa or something?

Shaniqua "needle eye" LaShae.

So the poodle headed bitch from the show?

So, Maron? Your daughter could grow up thinking she was conceived to “POW! I just shit my pants!”

The only thing your kids should be referred to is "the deceased" after you get them killed for being a neglectful drug addict.

That's such bullshit. The state puts takes them before they die dummy

Shartstainius Abraham Lincoln Jones VII

We could contact The FBI and suggest they look into Nana's whereabouts on the date in question, but the poor girl has likely already been dumped off of Keith's in the ocean somewhere near Atlantic City. Won't see her no mores.

Make sure you send them the SelfCuttingGirl evidence post. Not even kidding.

Honestly people here should be calling anonymous tip lines and giving them information on anthony, but being subtle about it like its real and you dont know him. Just cause why the hell not at this point

The bud ice man took care of that body long time ago.

What a fucking horrific nightmare for the family. Hard to even fathom the sense of dread every moment of their life must be.

I found this article. She's a runaway. She was seen on surveillance video in New York State. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2018/10/12/family-continues-to-look-for-answers-days-after-essex-teen-disappears/

I'd run away and create a new identity too if my parents named me "Brooklyn Mackenzie."

Given the neighborhood, ‘Brooklyn’ might as well be Mildred. This is ‘Krystylle’ country.

You name a girl after a boro, it’s only natural that she wants to go see it.

Little Miss Bed Stuy

Posted this weeks ago

This is too eerily real.

What? Too real??

No joke, she's too old-looking for Nana.

Gilgo Beach Nana

Women are disloyal creatures. She left her family and dont give a fuck.

This is why women were property.

Finally Ant does something funny

"Oh, that smell? No, nothing died. That's my penis. Well... you did say you wanted to see my 'theater' so... I might want to choke you and kiss you. What are you doing? Cell phones don't work in here. Drowsy? Hmmm, well if you want you can take a nap on these gay pink faggot chairs. I promise I won't finger you." - Nana

Don’t forget the sharp and throaty chuckles in between every sentence.

The Nighttime Attitude has a remedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRtvqT_wMeY

Would explain why he went silent on social media.

The Irish aren't people.

Proof her father is caucasian please

Worst than Qualcomm Kuhn?

Graduating pre school?

Just replace the kh's with q's and I guarantee there's a black kid with the same name

You found an extreme aberration. That is the norm for Black people.


Don’t forget the sharp and throaty chuckles in between every sentence.