I CAN’T believe it.

1  2018-11-02 by DotsonCoasters

I just left the mall with my family (good, moral people have FAMILY time) and on the way out the door I spotted a girl (about 13 y.o.) sporting a t-shirt that said “Bring Back Obama” and I can’t lie, I AUDIBLY gasped.

I approached the child and asked her “why are you wearing that shirt honey?” to which she replied “I like Obama he’s cool and funny” but I knew that was BULLSHIT. The audacity of this clearly abused child to advertise a piece of shit COMMUNIST that tried to DESTROY the nation I FOUGH FOR!

I figured it had to be the parents forcing this SHIT on her, so then I approached them too. I said “hey! Quit making your kid support your stupid political heroes you ASSHOLES” and the father came up to me and said “leave us alone you stupid shithead” and that’s when I knew it was clear I was dealing with low IQ LIBTARDS who simply can’t be reasoned with.

To have the nerve to act INDIGNANT when a vet asks you a simple question? Now I’ve SEEN it all. Some folks never learn, but they will when this whole thing we call CIVIL society BREAKS down and he meets the end of my FUCKING GUN.

I didn’t FIGHT for my nation to be disrespect by a bunch of FLAMING LIBTARDS!

Semper Fi!!


I can't tell if Joe really said this, or it's just a spot-on parody.

I was getting ready to ask for a link. It’s pretty good.

I really think Joe Posting could take off.

There it is. That's the angle.


Where we at with Fez's from around the world Sam?

that's THE bit*

*THATS the bit


Yeah this bit has legs if you ask me.

More legs than a.... .....a leg convention..

I hope you slapped the cup of Starcucks out of her weak LIBTARD hand & replaced it with a good, wholesome, BLACK RIFLE COFFEE COMPANY coffee.

Purple haired libtards. Smh.

I leaned republican most of my life, but joe and anthony the last few years have turned me into a total liberal

I almost spit out my Red Nugent reading this

"So you're telling me, if I cut off my balls, I get to go crossbow hunting with The Nuge? "

"nah man it's a vasectomy, you just cut-"

"nah fuck that man, I WANT you to cut off my whole balls...crossbow hunting with Terrible Ted, I ain't never won nothin' in my life..."

Thanks Stanhope

just a fan

The only thing holding this back from being an accurate Brother Joe parody is the lack of hashtags and emojis,

🤣🤣🤣 #MAGA #Veteran #Libtard #Jenkem #Obama

It also needs an unecesarilly long word used incorrectly

I PHILIBUSTERED the parents so hard they were practically SHITTING their pants.

Well done, I was wishing death upon you within 10 words.

That should say "Semper Fudge"

The thing is, there isn't any exaggeration here. Joe's posts are actually dumber than this.

Triggered cuckservative in the house!

The reality is that Joe would approach a 13 year old kid but make up the whole Obama shirt thing when confronted by the girl's father as to why he's asking her to walk around the mall with him.

Joe "not a pedophile" Cumia

Spit soliciting, if you ask me.

It took me about two sentences to start smiling and then I just sat back and enjoyed the rest. Very very well done!!

Please don't make this shit a meme. This is hard to read even ironically.

This obviously isn't Joe. The grammar is too good, and there aren't random capitalized letters all over the place.

You faggots are obsessed with posting multiple times a day about people you hate. Just kill yourselves, end the misery.

You first.

I don't really hate any of these losers, I just find them highly entertaining.

No, you actively dislike them and you think you're part of a community of other faggots who "have an affect their lives." Lying fag.

Most this community probably hates me. I don’t actively do anything really. But the people that do certainly have an effect on their lives, you stupid fucking asshole. Brother Joe went on national TV because of this sub. His younger faggot brother has offered up several thousands of dollars to shut this place down. Yup. No effect on their lives. It’s hilarious to watch. Well, except to ball washing Cumia lovers like you.

Brother Joe went on national TV because of this sub.

No, not because of this sub. One faggot who killed his own son, who posted here, interfered with Joe's contract, and Joe chose to take it to televised small claims court. He was not forced there by anyone. You're trying to congratulate yourself for no job done.

His younger faggot brother has offered up several thousands of dollars to shut this place down.

"Several thousands" i.e. $5K, a drop in the bucket to a wealthy man, which you are not. I like how you tried to get mileage out of Ant's offer with your wording, but to anyone with half a brain it comes off as it is, which is pure self-serving embellishment.

Yup. No effect on their lives. It’s hilarious to watch. Well, except to ball washing Cumia lovers like you.

You don't affect their lives more than anyone else who stalks people can do. That's what this sub is, organized stalking of the Cumia family. Kill yourself.

He specifically says he wanted to come on to get the word out about those reddit trolls and what they're doing to him.

He says it in his post interview and then a status after his appearance.

If you're gonna keep up this ballwashing bit at least keep trying to pretend your a cumia pretending not to be a cumia.

Ending your replies with "kill yourself" is not edgy. It is just blatantly obvious that you are trying to sound like the angry Jim Norton. Maybe next you can tell me to R. Budd Dwyer myself? That will show me!!

I never said Cumias offering of several thousand was a serious expense to him. But your idiot ass said that we have no effect on their lives. Coming here and offering thousands in cash kind of contradicts your idiotic statement, would you not agree?

Same with Joe. It was far more than one person that was posting his racist tweets everywhere. I could not care less about his racism, I hate niggers as much as any human does. But its just funny watching some low life mooch piece of shit dig themselves deeper into shit.

Again, you retarded fuck. I myself DO NOT stalk them, or post on twitter, or forward their tweets. I am here for the entertainment. You are here to be a ball washer. You are trying to be like them, in the hopes that you will become part of their circle. Like Big A or BoBo, although I am sure that they are fucking geniuses compared to you.

Now in ending this post.....let me know if I pull this off right.... KILL YOURSELF!

Did I do it right? LOL, you are so pathetic dude. Everyone here is laughing at you.

Anthony, comment?


this isn't your treehouse you faggot 😂

If it was, you’d be blowing him, or pinky-swearing a $50k/yr allowance.

I myself DO NOT stalk them

The guy you're arguing with has been banned several times for stalking trannies, gays and junkies. He is incapable of any comeback beyond "kill yourself" or "faggot".

You're a bed wetter

Hi joe.

You are a confused, angry old man who doesn't understand the internet. Stop embarrassing yourself paw-paw.

I was waiting for the Vos plug

Fake. Joe's first thoughts when seeing a 13 year old wouldn't be anything but sexual

and the father came up to me and said "leave us alone you stupid shithead"

One of the best laughs I've had in a while

Bro joe woulda said " the nerve to act indigenous "

Cu he is dumb

Jesus, that's close to him. Do you ever scare yourself?

He peeled potatoes for my freedom. Bro Joe is a real American zero.

How is joining the military and never serving in combat fighting for his country. The proper term is he served his country.


And is he too clueless his rudeness escalated the situation.

Any kid wearing an Obama shirt deserves to be harassed, but that's beside the point.

you're telling me you think Joe would use/spell both Audibly and Audacity correctly?

Pigshit hunting.