I am considering buying a pitbull to turn into dog meat.

1  2018-11-02 by YeIsAltRight

I am a decently skilled chef, and there is a shelter where I could easily obtain a pitbull.

I have heard that dog meat, cooked right, compares favorably to beef.


It’s all about how you prepare the meat; people sometimes get sick from eating dog (especially pitburgers), but it’s not the dogs’ fault! It’s the irresponsible chefs in certain communities who gravitate toward certain breeds and don’t know what they’re doing.

sounds good. ill take a taco plz

Gonna fry up some Carp too?

Have some self esteem and eat a german shepherd.

I encourage you to. I hope to hear soon in the news about your throat being ripped out.

Whoaaaa! This guy is shocking. What are you going to do next, crazy man?! How about a thread where the bit is usually "ant=ugly" but instead you do it as "ant=handsome"? You just never know with this fella.

Been a while since we had one of those. Might be about time.

Animals that eat meat probably taste like shit.

Chicken is delicious

Pork rules. Alligator is good. I think those are the only meat/omnivorous animals I've eaten.

You should try chicken, I've heard great things.

That's a good point, they definitely eat meat given the chance at least.

Just remember to add #PitbullPickup next time.

This is essentially the business model of Chinese take out places in green point

For the last fucking time