Alexandra Daddario flick (the movie is fucking God awful, so just turn the sound off and watch):

1  2018-11-01 by TangerineReam


Tsss.. who's her daddario asumptin?

I enjoy the way she looks.

She's mutton dressed as lamb, get a grip.

the director did everything possible to only frame Kate Upton from the tits up

People argue about if we should call the first decade of the century the "oughts" or the "oughties" or just the "two thousands," but I think we should call it what your comment says.

I seriously thought she was just another stereotypical milf until you said who she was. Yikes.

This was an amazing waste of Time for a chick that's nothing special. Much like dating

I'm sure you're single by choice and not because you're a fat fuck who smells like pizza rolls.

well I need to lose 20 lbs, but I smell pretty neutral.

That guy from Breaking Bad just cant catch a break.

Her stand-in looks a lot less like a sexy woman than she does.



Why did this street shitter decide that this clip was worth posting.


Well aren’t you just an ironic Irene.

Well aren’t you just ironic Irene.