UPDATED - Official r/Cumtown Cumbois Anthem - Part 2 Armed & Fabulous - Remixed Super Dope Hipster Autotune MP3 Coming Soon

1  2018-11-01 by stavs3rdRoll


Fuck off with this faggot shit. Nobody cares.

Well its not just about you Cumtown....its directed at you too....clearly struck a chord.

Shut up you cackling nigger

Dude I’m white and schizophrenic...I just believe I’m black and happen to scream a lot

You’re assuming I bothered reading it. You’re as wrong as you are gay.

Dude I already said it’s a meta poetry exercise for my intro intersex gender studies for mentally straight white cis men who don’t realize they are actually preop Nigerian MtFtFtFtMtf transsexuals. ... turns out they are just straight white dudes with schizophrenia....crazy world huh

Despite what you may think you wasted time writing all that

Yes, I did write for a couple hours at my $230K/year job where I do 3 hours of work a day. .... Oh and I was fucking with a little until my 5'6" big titted petite blonde girl made me put away my laptop and gave me the dirtiest, sloppiest blowjob; like every time.

Oh fuck Im sorry, the the writing time. Def for sure, the time I spent writing about losers that pay to listen to other people talk about their lives....instead of having their own and then argue about it online....yes, guilty, the time I spent doing that, that was wasted time. I mean the writing above, about Cumtown, the show that is actually funny, despite having 90% retarded fans. Similar but not as high as OandAs 100% retarded fan award. So to be clear, you are all retarded asshole little bitches. The writing is about you...and yes most importantly....I can say with certainty, the time I took to write it was the biggest waste of 3 hours of my life.(but again, the fact that my life is awesome, makes it hurt less)

Now, I just want to make sure I don't miss anything. That time, the time writing about pathetic faggot losers who have nothing going on by choice and fear...and then talk shit about everyone else on earth for trying at anything. Yes....that thing, the thing I wrote, the thing above......the time used to complete that writing...that was definitely wasted time.

If you have any further questions on time used and whether it is considered wasted....please contact Sueable....It sounds like he wastes he whole life doing this shit.

I'm not reading any of these either faggot

WAIT....do you mean to tell me that every guy and every post he writes on hear isn’t fucking hilarious? Based on the stuff I read I assumed that’s what everyone thought.

If not, I gotta do so real soul searching.

I’m gonna go suck my boyfriends dick. Do my best thinking then.

Idk if you heard about the last guy couple guys who bragged about their life on here but..

Dude I’m gay

It’s supposed to be really meta. It’s me talking to myself.

I loved what you did with Anthony tho...that was hilarious.

Hi I’m the guy who raps about Anthony fucking kids.

Whoever wrote that shit about that faggot podcast is without talent

Please leave.

Well I love your stuff. XOXOXOX #Sueable3EVA

Alright I’m out. The OandA crew can’t take a joke either.

Yes, I did write for a couple hours at my $230K/year job where I do 3 hours of work a day. .... Oh and I was fucking with a little until my 5'6" big titted petite blonde girl made me put away my laptop and gave me the dirtiest, sloppiest blowjob; like every time.

Oh fuck Im sorry, the the writing time. Def for sure, the time I spent writing about losers that pay to listen to other people talk about their lives....instead of having their own and then argue about it online....yes, guilty, the time I spent doing that, that was wasted time. I mean the writing above, about Cumtown, the show that is actually funny, despite having 90% retarded fans. Similar but not as high as OandAs 100% retarded fan award. So to be clear, you are all retarded asshole little bitches. The writing is about you...and yes most importantly....I can say with certainty, the time I took to write it was the biggest waste of 3 hours of my life.(but again, the fact that my life is awesome, makes it hurt less)

Now, I just want to make sure I don't miss anything. That time, the time writing about pathetic faggot losers who have nothing going on by choice and fear...and then talk shit about everyone else on earth for trying at anything. Yes....that thing, the thing I wrote, the thing above......the time used to complete that writing...that was definitely wasted time.

If you have any further questions on time used and whether it is considered wasted....please contact Sueable....It sounds like he wastes he whole life doing this shit.