Amy Schumer is Fat

1  2018-11-01 by unclepaul84

Fucking Cunt


Also, the sky is blue

She's also old, preggers and unfunny to boot. Imagine that!

Or at least some public speaking skills. Her stand-up is filled with "um", "soooo", "uhhhh", "yeahhh."

She needs a life coach or a motivational speaker or something

Funny way of spelling miscarriage

Quick and to the point, well done.

oh yeah? well you're a misunderstood genius!

An important message for these troubled times.

she's gonna reach bob kelly levels of fatness after giving birth

She looks like she stinks too.

“My pussy is so gross guys. I have a perpetual yeast infection. So many dicks have been in there I mean this snatch is completely destroyed at this point!”

This is a great, cogent point.

Water is wet. So?

Also ugly and stupid

You're just saying that because you're jealous, not because it's fun to call a fat disgusting pig fat when you know she's going to read it and rage out, causing her to binge eat and get even fatter as a result.

Also a phony cunt

Amy is a dinozaur, marching, marching...