Big pig pretends she hasn't been eating out of other troughs

1  2018-11-01 by barlowqt


there she goes shoehorning being pregnant into another article or post ? fucking stupid cunt is so obvious in her actions.

stupid pig

Amy Schumer Joke Stealing Compilation - All Examples

Its just parallel thinking!

Yep, its just half an hour of parallel thinking, spanning all aspects of her career for more than a decade. Its half an hour of pure coincidences.

Why isn't she Carlos Mencia with a cunt, again?

Look, nobody has heard of somebody who was accused of stealing jokes that didn't really steal jokes. There's not one false accusation of this in history. When did you hear anybody get accused of being a joke thief, and it turned out the person wasn't a joke thief? It just doesn't happen-Joe Rogan

She recently dropped her PR people for a new firm and they have been working overtime lately. First it was the whole "I'm not gonna do a Superbowl ad even though no one asked me" thing. And now this. Its smart of her to do because really the only people that would fall for such obvious PR strategies are the same people that would pay to go see her god awful movies. As well as all the people on this sub that think she's actually doing all this stuff on her own and of her own volition.


I bet she got pregnant just so she could have an excuse for getting fat.

She's been pregnant for years then.

Elephant gestation period: 22 months

Wow... we're in her head.

We've literally been shitting on everyone BUT her, lately. Why does Miss Piggy have to make everything about her?

PR machine behind her.

They know that doc is coming, and as we all know theres no better damage control than loudly saying you totally dont care about something before it happens.

That photo of her legitimately looks like a guy I went to school with. He got so fat his parents had to send him away to live on a farm in order to lose weight.

Least the parents had a sense of humor

She's so fucking boring I can't even get annoyed with her anymore

Just go be a dumb fat mom, idiot

So her kids can stick her in a home while her brain rots aka "the cumia"

Shes gonna name he kid “they”

She IS fat though, and unappealing...

She looks like Braunheisers mom now

Terry Clifford funnier than this bitch

Why is she famous again?

Jesus, she looks like Piggy from the old black & white Lord of the Flies movie in that picture, MY SPECS!

I saw Jim and Sam both like her I don’t steal jokes post on Instagram

I genuinely thought that was Artie Lange on the left based off the thumbnail and was so confused as to why he was involved. I would tell you if I was lying.

I do like how she's only addressing what is probably the least egregious example of her stealing material, because lets face it, that bit was just recycled urban dictionary bullshit even when Patrice was doing it.

I had the exact same thought before I opened the post.

There was a comic back in the day named Milton Bearle. He was a big shot and breakout guy on television. He stole a bunch of jokes and his writers stole a bunch of jokes and he became known as an infamous comedy plagiarist, a joke thief. They'd say shit like, "There's no joke so bad that Milton Bearle wouldn't steal it" and called him insults like The Best Thief of the Worst Gags. Just because the jokes about alcoholism and pussy aroma aren't any good doesn't mean Amy and her rogue's gallery didn't steal them.

I had the exact same thought before I opened the post.