Nick Di Paulo is Transitioning

1  2018-10-31 by Kim_Jung_pUn


Is Anthony gonna fuck him now.

Anthony doesn't like black girls.

Hope he doesn't own a mirror then.

Nick Di Paula

Got eem

Halloween's no excuse for being a fag

He started breaking into this old Yenta accent as a good a few years ago but it’s slowly taken him over.

Prettier than Schumer.

He's our Nana from the other side of our family. Ol' Gamgam DiPaolo.

He looks like Richard Alpert

He looks like someone who would live in a white van in Florida and mail bombs to people

He says things like "mental midget" and expects a laugh, like you laugh for your grandpa doing the "where's my thumb" trick. Who gives a fuck about elderly cunt, angry dad, Nick Di Fruitcake? Ick.

Goo gobbler

He sits in a room and complains. Fuck him. Get off your fat ass and get to work you, fairy.

He ever take legal action against the girl who pummeled him?

To Bill Murray in Ed Wood?

Faggot Italian comic needs to go away. Italians are worse than niggers.


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RuDi Paulo's Drag Race