Stupid Worm is jealous of Denny Falcone’s abilities to eat carbs.

1  2018-10-31 by suirogerg


Im waiting for dennys post of jims lunch that consists of an equally sized plastic container filled with cold loads

That's because Denny is a human being. Jims a fat slimy grub worm.

did he ever get that Opie Radio t-shirt?

Because Denny is an adult and makes his own lunch before work. He plans ahead. He goes to the grocery store like an adult and gets his snacks for the week. And most likely has a loving wife make it for him. He doesn't scream at an intern to run down and to get his cottage cheese and blueberry tofu platter every morning. I hope some sperg stabs Jim one day for spitting at him.

I put all my hopes in the Pat Duffy basket but that selfish fucker just ended up having a rich, full life with a loving family instead.

Uses his phone so much during the show that he needs a charger on the console

its part of the contract

he thinks he’s gonna win this sub back by using his classic phrase “enraging” not happening Jim Wormton

Why the fuck would that be enraging? Jim stinks.

Fucking SCUMMMMMMMMBAG doesn't even demand egg whites and mustardy blueberries every morning.

Jim pointing the finger at someone else's eating habits?

You eat a small Tupperware box worth of AIDS medication every day you faggot worm!

Denny is a god damn weirdo.