The most amazing thing about this sub- You can go to a sub with a 2 year defunct, million-viewer TV show and not get this kind of activity.

1  2018-10-31 by sashaatx


its the show that keeps on giving back in a train wreck sort of way.

Too bad 90% of that is just repetitive try-hard shitposts.

that pretty much the show tho

well I can't hog the sub & post more than 10%

like my post

I like how I agreed, get upvoted, but your original comment, downvoted.

This sub cant make up its mind

Maybe another 5,000 "And Maybe Kiss You" posts will help them make up their mind.

downvoted for support

Maybe we will even kiss you

We can on certain things. I don't think anyone ever liked Joe.

He's impossible to like. He has an air about him that just screams "cunt".

And nobody even likes any of the principles from the show anymore too lol

The posts that are just photos of people mildly related to O&A with the caption "Faggot" makes me laugh everytime

that pretty much the show tho

well I can't hog the sub & post more than 10%

like my post

I like how I agreed, get upvoted, but your original comment, downvoted.

This sub cant make up its mind