According to Joe Rogan, this is the greatest comedian of all-time

1  2018-10-31 by Moveinslience


Blue cheese or go fuck ya mother.

Hey, Bob.

Joe Rogan idea of doing comedy is to scream around and fuck his asshole with kettle bells. I'm not interested in his opinion.

Joe is the most powerful NPC there is, he has met the out-entities of the DMT, fucked the Hockers of Taipei! There is nothing he cannot do! Except for comedy, he sucks shit at comedy....

Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

You got the good weed and a bit too much time on the YouTube's it would seem

What, you don't think this was funny?

Everybody loves Wu-Tang, but this shit cannot be allowed.

Wee-Man lookin' good!


Fuckin' yikes. It's a good thing his podcast and UFC job took off.

I love Joe, but that's the most infuriating part of him. He made it big off Fear Factor and the UFC took off. Good for him, he's good at both those gigs. But he conflates his success outside of comedy to the success he's had directly from his stand up and none of that shit is true.

If NBC never picks up fear factor and the boston mob killed dana white Joe Rogan would be at the same level Vos is at plugging away at low level clubs. IF that.

He already was more successful than Vos because he had a smallish role on a sitcom.

Never has a man gone so far from broscience, animals & being astonished by common knowledge.

Wee-Tang Clan

Rogan is a screaming jackass

Is this his TCAP picture?

Rogan is on all sorts of drugs. What do you expect?

on all sorts of drugs. What do you expect?

a better taste in comedy...?

Hey character, Alpha Brain boosts cognitive performance!

Do you even Shroom Tech bro?

Drugs improve people or is that the psychosis talking

He's funny sometimes. I like his voice. Or maybe it's his accent I like. But mainly it's his stories I enjoy. So sue me.


Sue me


He is a delusional bullshit artist

Every standup is. Mel Brooks even made a little joke about it.

Pick a thing you like Jesus

I like his hefty ballbag

Nice Leatherface, stupid

Joey is pretty funny but being 60 and thinking smoking weed all day is cool drops him a few pegs

Having CPOD, probably diabetes, also being 150-200lbs over weight is pretty funny imo

What about being a spic with multiple felony covictions? That's his closer

Luis is gonna be pissed in 15 years when Joey has already run through all his material.

Remember, this guy is only 4 years older than Rogan...


That’s insane

Rogan also thinks he's a fighter, yet never fought anyone. There's plenty of dudes in UFC that want to beat his midget fucking ass.

Everyone in the UFC would beat him.... in seconds

He was a pro kickboxer.

Who cares. He has no fighting career.

You said he never fought anyone, which is not true.

Annnnd? What fight do you even know of he did?Sparring is for pussies. He's a glorified cosplayer.

What fight do you even know of he did?

Great grammar, stupid.

That's fair, but it's less embarrassing than defending the honor of a man you jerk off too. The only thing lower than Nana defenders, are Rogan's.

I never defended anything. You said something that was patently false and I pointed it out. He was a professional kickboxer whether you care to admit it or not.

And you still are missing my point. Being a professional and actually fighting are two different things,m.

Being a professional and actually fighting another man are two different things.

Not when what you're a professional at is fighting people you dolt.

professional at is fighting

And my grammar is bad, you boob.

He's a professional at shadow boxing.

There's nothing grammatically wrong with that sentence. I guess grammar and reading comprehension are both tough for you.

Does that make you a professional? You might be the most retarded imbecile I've seen on here in quite some time. You have nothing to refute my point except HEZ PRUFESHIONUL

Like no shit, he's trained. So what. That's not the subject.

Someone on this sub said he makes every moment of his life sound like a bronx tale (LOUIE BEANS!) and that's the best description I've ever heard of him. Hes funny but the sheer amount of stories he has makes me skeptical of them all being true. I suppose that doesnt really matter at the end of the day because hes an entertainer, but idk. What I'm getting at here is I am a long winded pontificating faggot.

He used to out run the popo all day 24 7 365

I highly doubt that

I wouldn't be surprised if most of his stories are true, but highly over-exaggerated to the point of throwing in things that didn't happen

He was a thief though so he'd rarely run into other people if he was doing it right.

He was banging cocktail waitress 2 at a time......

A faggot of pontificating proportions

I thought Elliot Gould was dead.

This fat, thief liar also has listening problems. If the conversation is not about one his handful of interests (comedy, drugs, MMA, 70s metal) he zones out. He brings the conversation back around to a time he stole x from y while high on z. Stop romanticizing your degenerate life you fat fuck, it is gross at tis point.

On a recent Your Mom's House, Segura's wife got grossed out when he wouldn't shut up about eating ass. She curtly pleaded with him to change the subject. He barely chimed in for the final half hour or so of the appearance. It was the best portion of the broadcast.

Do you know where a fella can score some z? Asking for a friend.

Y has some but you'll have to steal it

Anthony Bourdain back from the dead?

he is a bullshitter and has the annoying forgetting what the fuck he was talking about but for the most part he has made laugh. his special are always underwhelming but he is tens time the comic that rogan is.

He's really not cut out for specials. To his credit, he admitted to everyone right away that the taping of Degenerates didn't go well. I was curious if he'd say anything because my boss shot it, and when the job returned that Monday morning he was like "Joey did not do well." They all said it looked like he was coming down off of drugs/smoked too much weed.

He seems like he caves under the pressure of specials, but live in a room he's always funny.

Rogan and Joey really deserve each other. They both epitomize the one-track mind. People swear by Joey's stand-up. I've never been interested in checking it out because on podcasts I find him literally unlistenable. He must be a virtuoso on-stage if his act incorporates his standby subject matter about fucking around back in the good old days. Lucky for him nobody can corroborate the endless supply of tall tales, and everyone is forced to take his word for it. He's like a wheezy Bert with an added layer of annoyance from sounding like a mafioso wannabe.

Nah his standup sucks.

I'm not a fan of his but, if anything, his podcast appearances are superior to his stand-up - which is basically just a rehearsed and slightly higher energy version of his "let me tell you a story, Joe Rogan" bullshitter podcast persona.

I've seen him live twice and he killed both times fwiw.

I can't listen to him talk because it sounds like he's constantly choking on a sausage, on the verge of cardiac arrest. Unsettling.

What about his name drops followed by an anecdote about a gangster he’s never met.

He never said that but I get it your joke won't work unless you embellish. Joey "CoCo" Diaz is pretty funny though.

Kill yourself

Then who would keep your mom happy?

His episode on The Degenerates on netflix was pretty dreadful. Both he and Rogan seem to think yelling loudly and overly confidently equals funny. They're wrong.

Retard Kinison heads

fat and gay

worse than Joey is Lee Syatt. Lee is just awful.

What's wrong with Lee?? He's so lovable.

he's like a smelly, old sponge to me.

I didn't know it was possible to hate him. I love that weirdo.

Artie is looking good



italian comedian with 1980s jokes isn't the best

He's Cuban

Greatest comedian? Try FUNNIEST PERSON.

He has his moments, or really, just a funny way with words sometimes. Otherwise, I wouldn't say he lives up to the rep Joe gave him.

90% of Joey's stories are bullshit. They're entertaining bullshit, but ... still bs.

According to Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan is a comedian.

We used to go down to the shore, bang strippers on the beach at night Joe Rogan....With Billie Big Tip, Billie had this thing where he would put meth up his ass and strippers would come out after they got off work and let me tell you Joe Rogan, this one time....down under the boardwalk... Billie Big Tip and me got our dicks sucked by 27 strippers from the bar, Billie had them lined up and they took care of both of us, all 27 of them Joe Rogan....... And then we all put meth up our ass and stayed up all night watching the stars.

His Netflix special was actually good and worth checking out. Yams was god awful

Nah man uncle Joey is exempt. You guys back the fuck off and focus on Piggy.

Shut the fuck up

He is kinda gross to look at. Watching spit fly out of mouth makes quezy

he looks like Anthony Bourdain if he ate himself

Artie Lange is funnier than him

Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

What fight do you even know of he did?

Great grammar, stupid.