Good for Erock, trying to lose some weight

1  2018-10-31 by yamuddahscuntthen


Go for a fuckin walk for about an hour a day and don't eat as much shit, there.

you should start a podcast

It’s Common Sense!

This is stuff to tell your mother, not the world.

i hope his mother is dead


how's the weight loss coming

How about you quit drinking as well you Bam looking mayo filled tugboat.

This. Switch to kratom. At least on week nights. Thats what I did.

Nobody cares about your methods. You are not considered a success story.

I forget where I post sometimes. Apologies.

You're a good boy but don't fall out of line again

I switched put booze for cigarettes and coke and I lost 30 lbs in one month

And your whole bank account!

I bet every other day is a cheat day for this guy.

Everyday is a cheat day. Mutha fucks cheating death from clogged arteries and bloody stools.

Good fa him!

Who the fuck goes to r/happy

Depressed people and trolls. Ironically the trolls are the happier ones.

As they should be

He probably took a 4 LB shit before jumping on the scale

Kick a stool, stupid. You'll be amazed at how fast you start to kick and writhe that blubber off.

God, I hate every faggot that posts shit like this on r/pics

Got banned for saying that some woman still was a fat fuck in her progress picture, so the mods are equally gay as well

Yeah I got banned for asking of some faggots sister who died of suicide was hot. Bunch of sensitive queers.

Probably cold and blue.


Fuck them for posting that shit to r/happy

Them having to post this is more a sign that they are telling themselves they're happy now and need the confirmation.

Deep down, we all know they are truly a short step away from doing the rope dance.

Yeah, no way that guy weighs 226. He looks more like 276.

I was 230 at one point, and I looked at least 20 lbs lighter than this dork.

Nice bunk bed

he's probably in a dorm. nice try with the hate tho

If he lives in a dorm, then he's at the prime age to lose weight. Yet he's posting effeminate pictures of himself on Reddit. Sad!

that pube beard ain't looking too hot either

Nice bunk bed

Reddit is full of attention seeking faggots. You lost 4 pounds you fat histrionic homosexual

Going to the gem, going to the gem an eatin butter

If he lives in a dorm, then he's at the prime age to lose weight. Yet he's posting effeminate pictures of himself on Reddit. Sad!

Nice bunk bed