WTF was the deal with feuding fan sites back in the day (Wackbag, Full Blown AIDS, Cringe Humor, etc.)

1  2018-10-30 by I-take-beast-shits

We’re an embarrassing community in our current state, but while listening to old shows I’ve come to the realization that this fan base was even more pitiful.

Feuding message boards, hosts boycotting specific fan sites, idiots proudly tagging fan sites on instant feed back.

What the fuck was this shit all about and where did the users from these now defunct sites go to?


Well hopefully they’ve all died off. But I fear they’re all biding their time. For what? I don’t know.

Nortons cartoon

if you went to those sites youre gay as fuck

I had an account on Wackbag but I SWEAR I never posted there.

I go to Wackbag now and read through the old Ronnie B line of the day posts. I don’t have an account.

Ha. I have that bookmarked. I read Ronnie B lines to waste time at work.

One of the Anthony asskissing ones allowed him to become a moderator and the thin skinned faggot blocked everyone who criticized him and mentioned his girlfriend sucked an intern's dick to save a lobster's life.

I’d love to see somebody from here explain this sentence to a random stranger.

He also dumped out a fan site that he didnt like, to Opies frustration.

Nana was cranky that day. Always remember to feed your Nana.

Yup FBA, ESD's site.

did the users from these now defunct sites go to?

They're all right here.

Like the listeners, interns, and hosts of the O&A show, they're addicted to this place.

Ah, the good old days.

The Opie love is nauseating, faggots everywhere

Wackbag and were the main ones, they flip flopped in popularity like WCW and WWF

How poetic

Let us not forget The Church of Opie now that we all love him.

Razzle dazzle. It's board gossip time. . .

I heard Sams_seed died in a hair grease fire

Apparently this wasn't unique to Ron and Fez and O&A. I guess back in 2004, it was quite easy to open a message board site and get high off the attention and authority you had as a moderator. Stern Fan Network was around until Howard gave Mutt the wake up call that playing pretend Jarl of an internet message board site wasn't impressive enough to warrant an invite to the birthday party the entire Wack Pack went to (minus ETM because he was a cunt who didn't agree to go until the day before).

Smaller shows like O&A and Ron and Fez, although very funny and successful, did not have the millions Stern was pulling in and from what I understood, message board members were the lowest caste whereas on Ron and Fez, they were actually real people.

ETM tried starting a Johnny Fratto message board with minimum success and Dawgshed branched off after Mutt tried silencing all the criticism of Stern a few months before his birthday show.

I'm pretty sure Dawgshed is just a few people all talking about how much Howard's shoes cost now and finding 30 year old clips of him contradicting himself on a point he made recently to feel like they are better than him.

For having to share the same land as the rest of the Reddit gags, surprisingly this is the least corrupt outlet for moderators. You can pretty much do or say anything here and no one cares and there aren't avatars and well known posters here trying to run a table during lunch.

It may not be perfect here but it's close.

If anyone would like me to repeat thisstory, just let me know.

Message boards are the worst. There is always a clique of nerds who think they're important because they have a high post count on a website.

Yeah, these self rightous little FUCKERS making documentaries and shit. What losers.


this is what real niggas would waste their time making 'documentaries' of shit.

There was "Mike's Friggin'" or some shit that got into some legal bullshit by Hoo-Hoo.

Mark's friggin, yeah. They invited him on the show and offered him in exchange for the website, he would write up a TMZ styled official blog for them. He declined and just went back to doing transcripts of every show, although he said he had to stop doing transcripts of TWUS because it was too boring lol

I actually saw someone wearing a “spread the iris .com” shirt once. I think it was a rival site to full blown aids? was Mafia Life Chris's cry for help when everyone ripped him apart on For some reason, Ron used to have Chris in studio every so often, so it got a lot of on-air mentions and I checked it out once or twice. They averaged a few new threads per month.


TL;DR: You saw Mafia Life Chris wearing an old t-shirt.

How was that guy ever even known to r&f? Was he a sponsor? Cause he was always plugging his shitty html game.

Everyone who likes o and a is a massive faggot what about this is suprising

Reddit's subreddits are a relatively recent thing.

In the board war days it was the two Ron & Fez sites versus the big combination Ron & Fez and O&A site.

Nana was cranky that day. Always remember to feed your Nana.