If you have no friends and nobody wants to be around you, its because you are a douche--Sam Roberts 10/30/2018

1  2018-10-30 by Mr-Wrinkle-Paws


Reap what you sow

I love how desolate this photo is, it encapsulates so much of Sam in one image

Imagine how excited that crowd would be if there were a real celeb standing there. He’s even wearing that hideous suit to try to get people’s attention and still nothing.

A Richard Simmons looking motherfucker in a red suit and no one is even idly looking in his direction.

Look at that ugly motherfucker standing out there looking like a bellboy on a break.

"Cedric, don't count your tips in public."

You can feel the loneliness/rejection in this photo.

Look at the black woman to the right. She is empathetic to Sam's loneliness.

Those people always look after their own

They’re cuzzins

Clint Howard looking fuck

That photo needs someone peeing on his back.

Or a monkey picking the vermin out of his hair

I think of this image every time I see what he charges for his shitty merchandise.

How about when he took advantage of the mentality challenged charging 50 bucks for meet and greet https://imgur.com/a/qtILy

Does he only take pictures with people as ugly as him?

why dis nigga dressed as Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny?

What is Doink The Clown doing in a suit?

Hideous style to go with his fucked up face and hair

5'11" with a size 13 shoe.

He is a quarter negro-mongoloid though so the shoe size makes sense.

In the 9th grade I was roughly 5'6" with a size 13 shoe. It was awkward. I grew more than any other kid that year.

Now I'm 6'0" with a size 14 shoe.... Really no less awkward though.

Sam is 6'0"? Jesus those growth hormones work. There's gotta be some side effects though (more systemic than just his disgusting appearance). He's surely living on borrowed time.

Idno how tall Sam is. I'm 6'0" though. Unless I've started shrinking, but I don't think I'm old enough yet.

Oh I misread that. Either way, Sam should die.

I liked him as a producer shit stirrer. He seems to hustle. Always did Saturday night shows. Made the after show into his own thing. I thought his solo show was Garbage. With Jim and Sam there's good moments, but I hate when he torments the producers he one notch above.

I've run into Sam on two different occasions. He's maybe 5'7-5'8 and very slight.

From a distance you would mistake him for an overgrown 12 year old.

His entire social circle is people who work in the Sirius building. Either he's kissing their ass or they're below him kissing his. He has no male friends.

Vigirl needs to start lonely roberts

I want this to happen

"Please, someone, ANYONE notice me!!!!"

"hey look at that guy over there cosplaying as Sideshow Bob." "Ew, so creepy!"

You certainly seem like a fan.

Does he only take pictures with people as ugly as him?