Genuine human reaction to discovering that another human “has an ass.” I’d tell you if it wasn’t.

1  2018-10-30 by floppy666


Princess Alena's seen that face many, many times.

....crammed into a webcam window.

I was referring to Yimmy performing fellatio on the confused Nordic gentleman, sir.

Oh, I know Sir - but I'm suggesting he also play-acts like he's taking a load when they're skyping.

usually with his/her dick right where that mic is

What a fake fag

He’s an authentic fag. Fake person

Ugh he’s such a cunt

This is actually a flattering photo.

It is, it gives the illusion of a jaw line.

He should permanently keep his face like that, it makes him more handsome and it allows for easier access to large rods of Viking meat to enter

I don't get it :-(

The title could have certainly been worded better. I assume the joke is Norton is reacting to a man's ass

Your assumption would be incorrect. It’s from a video posted here a few days ago of Ron Bennington talking about Dawn Cumia’s ass and Jimmy responding with a stunned “Dawn has an ass?”

Sorry, I'll have to give up drugs and sex and working to lurk here more so I can keep up to date on shit threads

Nice edit, your first burn wasn’t sick enough ?

Pwned, Twice!

If I had edited it, an asterisk would have been next to my post. You should google what an asterisk was before you come check to see how your poorly worded thread barely made it passed the bottom of the front page.

Theres two asterisks next to your name. Whatd you edit it twice, pussy?


Theres two asterisks next to your name. Whatd you edit it twice, vagina?

Good boy. Say it a third time.

Wow keep editing your comments, scuumbaag.

When I get you to respond 23 more times, your account will become a monument to my greatness.

I knew you were an Owen Benjamin fan.

22 more to go.

You steal that joke from Owen Benjamin?


He looks like Matt Serra with aids.

Ey, uh uh..MONKEYPOCKS! A new one!

quick how many dicks can we jam in there hee hee!!