Opie’s getting them good, but he’s insanely pissed that Jimmy’s agent Tony Burton mentioned on air today that Siruis made damn sure that it was clear that videotaping employees is criminal and a fireable offense. Burton is the right hand man for Stern’s agent Don Buchwald.

1  2018-10-30 by OochyWally


Good, I want them all miserable.

Me too.

And the Radio Wizard was very helpful in their negotiations.


I thought Jimmys agent was named Jonathan?

That’s his manager

he has a manager? why? he has a 20hour work week, what needs managing?

Counterpoint: the reason Anthony’s career is such a disaster is because he doesn’t have a manager.

These idiots can’t handle things on their own; Ant has proved that abundantly. Jimmy is just being smart here.

nah brother i got fired cuz howie was fawkin jealous

dumb fucking ogre

And there we have the connection. Howard wanted Opie gone from the company and like throughout the history of Stern, the same shit happened here. Underhanded tactics, backroom deals to fuck people he doesn't like or are in competition with over.


Howard Stern is a fucking hack. He was never good.