I am become Opie, destroyer of worlds

1  2018-10-30 by smokedrinkvape


Regularly. He cunt regularly spit on the floor like a child that hasn’t been beat

He does this cause a woman on a movie (goodfellas) did this.

Norton brought this on himself. He knew what would happen when he played with The Psycho.

Jim constantly did disgusting shit like shove pens up his ass because he was upset that someone had chewed them and at the same time acts like he is some hard working professional. He has complete freedom to do this show however he chooses. If this current show is his “art” or “vision” he should truly be ashamed. Have some pride you lazy cunt. Lose the boring faggot who has never said a funny thing in his life and do something worth a fuck. Nope. 3 more years of lackluster faggot chit chat with another boring sissy with no social life.

Eww. Somebody get Brother Joe to mop that up.

Destroyer of careers.

Destroyer of worms.

The fucked up thing is he is still holding stuff back. He has way more ammo on them than they have on him.

Oh no they might say he has tits, isn't funny or was an asshole boss! Oh boy I hope Opie can handle that!

A real life Surtur if you will...

Destroyer of banter

Please, stop