The “Ain’t it fun” Anthony video is depressing

1  2018-10-30 by yamuddahscuntthen

I get the goof, but while watching it I can’t help but feel bad for Anthony. His tough guy, give no fucks character is just that, a character. In reality, he’s still the emotional wreck he’s been his whole life. Hes got real human emotions, it was his father who beat him into not showing any actual signs of compassion or love, not being manly qualities to have. He’s been in a state of arrested development for nearly 40 years. I truly feel bad for the pissy eyed little boy still in that metaphoric ghouls body.


Remember that he tried to groom a 14 year old girl that should make you not feel bad for him

Part of his arrested development is his attraction to pubescent teenage girls. If he was a true pedo, his interest would be in prepubescent children. Still not a good look when your 57, but not as evil as NAMBLA for goodness sake

14 is pedophilia to me, and that's only one of the despicable things he's done

Let's redefine the dictionary. Just call him a child abuser/groomer.

This nigger is 67. If he can't stop being a piece of shit after that long, even when old friends like Ron try to help him, then he will neber change. He will die still seeking the approval of his dead gay father.

Also he tries to fuck little girls and for all we know he has successfully lured and fucked many of them. He's qlso suspected of being The Roslyn Heights Strangler.

Anthony should be thrown off the roof of a skyscraper.

In reality, he’s still the emotional wreck he’s been his whole life.

Exactly, he's done nothing about it. He was a rich guy, working three hours a day, for a company that was very supportive of mental health issues (see: Fez) and did nothing about it. He didn't do anything when he was getting blind drunk and driving home, didn't do anything when he was fired for tweeting drunk, didn't do anything when his own mother died after not seeing her for five years and dodging the funeral, didn't do anything after being charged with domestic violence and being sent to rehab (even shopped around for Artie's shitty one).

For a guy who's all about other people taking responsibility for their actions ("Why can't they just behave"), he sure doesn't take much responsibility for his own.