1  2018-10-30 by Loskanksfan


I'm beginning to think cowardly Nana didn't even attend his dad's funeral.

Why would he want to remember his father that way?

He sure seems to admire him more than his mom

Why would he want to be uncomfortable?

More like a bunker buster. But yes, direct hit. The Atom bomb will be the child molestation confirmation.

All I want is for him to say either Anthony or Jim raped a child. It doesn't have to be both just one.

Truly living up to The Destroyer title. I like active aggressive Opie far more than worm Jim and scared Nana.

Anthony is a complete piece of shit what else is new?

I think he declined because he couldn't lift the casket.

As great as this is.. it's hard to believe Anthony would even be considered as a pall bearer at Patrice's funeral..

Yeah I don't buy it and also even if he was asked to do it, I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to carry around a 700 pound box with a sign on it that says 'dead nigger storage' on it.

Why did the 700lb box get me.
I genuinely almost spilled my coffee legitinately

this really is like girl shit though, you guys at least read that much into how he operates. i want to see him chucking his high heels.

Holy shit. Where was this guy all those years?

Why the fuck would they ask Anthony to be Patrice's pallbearer?

It's a great honor for a small donation paid directly to von

Patrice has been to Anthony's house more than anthony and opie have been to each others.

After all these bombs, there's not gonna be a man, woman or child left for Anthony to fuck.

All this funeral dodging is more than being a piece of shit. Ant has something psychologically wrong with him.

What a revelation

Anthony is such a shiftless scum bag nigger he might be the first guy in history to miss his own funeral.

And to think Patrice and Ant almost had a friendship. Patrice strangely respected Ant for some reason.

How sad.

Oh shit God damn Opie.

Opie's all out of fucks, I love it.