Opie, if you’re reading this:

1  2018-10-30 by CommodorePawsey

Jocktober these fuckers before it’s too late. I guess maybe not Anthony, since you guys do seem to still have some kind a relationship, but if you get some audio of J&S or the Chip debacle, and nuke the worm, I’ll actually listen to it. Lots of us will.

Just go for it. Let’s be honest, you don’t have much else going on right now, and making fun of Jim seems to be in your wheelhouse. Can you bring back the destroyer for one more Jocktober?

Do it for Philip.


and hey ope-ster - suck a cock while youre at it too. k thx bye

Nice I'm-scared-of-being-messaged gibberish name, stupid

i would legit suck his big milky titter on air live recorded later for his crazy good podacast that nobody posts or cares about.

Just when I thought nothing could improve upon 'Big Israeli Beefers,' you give us 'Big Milky Titter.' A singular titter. Nice.

Please jocktober Jim and the Missing Link