The King of Mind Games.

1  2018-10-29 by DotsonCoasters


Jim had to go get on the Chip twitter to respond. What a pathetic loser.

Opie making sure he still has a pulse because he’s so cold blooded.

Look at those luscious tits. Super DILF

And Worm has the nerve that goof on them when he has them too even after starving himself.

90% sure hes wearing a sports bra

He stayed quiet all that time they were trashing him waiting for them to peter out, then he strikes and wipes the worm and nana out in one fell swoop. The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese. Sun tzu has nothing on this radio legend.

Studied body language, our guys no dummy..

This is why we suddenly like opie more than the others now. He is lobbing the most basic jabs and Jim can't handle it even a little bit, just completely out of sorts with the most basic of insults. Jim has to respond BOTH passive aggressively AND through his hacky character.

He's not even being passive aggressive himself or directly attacking through his character. I'm surprised he hasn't found some third layer to hide behind. Maybe he did and he is giving Opie shit on some puppet twitter account as well.
