Some Youtuber fag lied about Apu leaving The Simpsons...

1  2018-10-29 by TangerineReam


I kinda hope they turn Apu into something straight up disgustingly racist.

I was thinking they should make him into an Irish stereotype but keep his look.

Apu is not a stereotype - he doesn't even shit in the street!

This whole time I thought dothead faggot Kondabolu was the voice of Apu and was speaking out after years and years of being oppressed by The Simpsons, now I come to find out Hank Azaria does Apu's voice, and that Kondabolu is just an even bigger faggot than I could have imagined, interjecting himself into a self-propelled "mess" that bothers virtually nobody.

Fuck liberals, they truly are the political embodiment of faggotry.

Yeah cause conservatives bitching about the anthem is way less faggy right?

What? Is this a Kaepernig comment?

What? Is this a Kaepernig comment?