Artie Seems to be Doing Well

1  2018-10-29 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Too many Wobbly Pops.....

"Love of his life stealin' millennial Cum licks"

I think the use of the word wigger would increase 10 fold. Bring back the whites only washrooms

We could solve racism in America by sending them back to Africa.


If only Lincoln would have gotten his way.

Artie thinking he could get his longshoreman job back is kinda funny.

If he has been paying his union dues they'd welcome him back. I worked with a guy who went away for 15 years for murder, kept paying his dues behind bars and boom, had a job waiting for him when he got out. However, the murderer was still able to perform a days work, Artie one the other hand would be laid off immediately for being a useless junkie.

Good point—he could get the job back, but actually showing up and doing it would be impossible.

If there’s one thing you can say about Artie, he’s responsible with money.

Oh I dont think so Dan

Sir, I think he might’ve been kidding, based on the idea that Artie is a massive junkie. You see, the idea is that he’s actually very poor with money, life decisions, etc. In fact, I would say it is fairly humorous to think that he could be responsible with anything! It is all in fun, dear O&A sub friend! I am glad to help.

Thank you so much and it makes sense now. Hahahaha hhhoooollllllleeeeeee shit

pounds desk

Oh what the hey, take an upboat for that one bud.

You don't even have to pay dues. You take a withdrawal and buy back in when you come back. I left for 4 years, came back and paid $300. Artie can't handle the physical labor now though.

No fucking wonder all our jobs went to the chinks

90% of the jobs when Artie was there are now automated.

90% of the jobs when Artie was there are now automated.

90% of the jobs when Artie was there are now automated.

If he had his time in , he could get away with that shit. You know, because union. Oh wait you’re not talking about a government union never mind

Who did he murder and why?

He is a cliche Nuyorican, he stabbed someone over a woman.

I think Artie said he was somebody's nephew with the union. It's how he got started in the first place.

Wasn’t it his friends dad or some shit

not protected by a union he wouldn't

A union guy getting laid off for laziness? Ha, very funny.

Yes, if you don't put in a days work you get laid off. All this "union workers are lazy" talk is conjured up by the rich who want to keep exploiting workers and the non union workers who are jealous of the righrighs and wages we fought for. We do have women in our workforce though, which definately brings down production.

Just wait till he get to the Howard smashing, it's gonna to shock the world and made coward sperm take him back!

This is artie acting like he's a real hard working joe who has never been given a break on anything in his life, let alone in this calendar year.

Yea, he has no work ethic, and only people taking chances has kept his career going

Dont forget the slap on the wrist he got for heroin possession.

He walked so he talked

That was one of the most aggravating things about the AA show. They both have this bizarre fixation with being seen as working stiffs, it comes across as pandering. They haven't lived that life in over 20 years, and if they had to go back to it, they wouldn't make it a day. Not on my job site, at least. That's just my two cents, though. Sips container of coffee profoundly.

Jew Broad Fights Draculas

All Ant and Artie did was talk about how they bullshitted, slacked, and ripped off people during their "jobs." I hate sanctimonious blue collar assholes already but it's even worse when you did the bare minimum.

Longshoreman is one of the most desirable, least demanding blue collar unions in existence. Even when Artie “lived that life,” he wasn’t working that hard even when he wasn’t actively avoiding work.

If it's anything like on The Wire, you could have a lot shittier jobs.

Ah what do I know, just give me a container of coffee and boom I get the job done.

Could u imagine him even picking up a 35 pound box without having a fucking stroke?

He worked a real job for 2 years.

Blue collar guys dont even revel in doing that work at that age- if they're lucky they've got some revenue stream that doesnt involve them humping the same shit as when they were 20. If they're still doing it at 60 they're always broke and physically wrecked.

This is true. My friend’s Uncle is a good example of this. 59 and shot.

My brother drove a fuckin truck and even he was physically wrecked by his late 40s, and that seems like one of the easiest blue collar jobs you can have.

Dude I know who used to do pool tile in mansions currently cant walk or afford a double knee replacement. Another dude took every minute of overtime available driving a truck- company eventually shits him, cant afford to retire and currently drives a gas delivery route for irregular hours and is about to quit because he cant handle jumping in and out of the cab all day long.

It's a horrific life.

Madone these kids dont even know what it's like to be crippled at 60 like I coulda been had I not moved to hollywood and said 'tuna and cheese' on the mad tv. Millenials...

Anything repetitive like that is bad. I used to just walk around a carpeted hotel all night long and got a really bad case of plantar fasciitis in my feet that was so excrutiating that I when I’d wake up, I’d limp to the bathroom like I’d just been shot in the leg and then literally every step I would take for the whole day after would weigh in my mind due to the pain.

He'd go right on disability and it would all go up that bell pepper nose of his. Artie just brings recycled jokes & misery to people anymore, he really should drop dead.

As a condition of his probation Artie has to take regular drug tests, the failure of which would result in him going to jail for a very long time.

Artie seems to have made the pragmatic decision to spend the rest of his life getting blindingly drunk.

Drinking on probation is nearly always forbidden as well. It would be highly unusual if he’s allowed to drink.

No but he can dry out for 48 hours to pass the test.

That’s true, I was just assuming they were giving him random tests.

Who knows. As if he’s going to not violate his probation. Haha

He is. No doubt. And I want him to get caught. Partially because I want to see him have to face his own bullshit and partly because I hope he hits rock bottom. Oh and partially because I want him to die.

He seriously is a cockroach. It’s incredible.

This fucking loser can't even kill himself correctly.

No he doesn't!

People use drugs to be more creative.

I once wrote on Facebook that "ex-girlfriend's biggest accomplishment was getting knocked up by a wigger", and it did not go over well with my "friends".

I think you were supposed to write it like this: "wigga".



As in, 'Gee, Artie is a complete loser failure'

I had no idea heroin lead to an obsession with adjectives, holy fuck that was hard to get through.

What's the "love of his life stealing" line about?

I think he's saying that the millennials are stealing his ability to do his brand of comedy. Or heroin.

It wouldn't surprise me if hes still crying over Dana even after all these years.

Artie was never funny

That's My White Mama would like to have a word...

Reads like a Mike Bocchetti post

What is Artie talking about silver spoons for? He probably uses a silver spoon to cook his junk. He made more in like 2 years than I will in my entire life.

He's rod knocking.

A better question is who the fuck are the four cum lick Gen-xers/Boomers who thought this blabbering gibberish was worthy of retweeting?

What's that Artie? Your phone crapped out.

This is fine!

That was kinda funny

Ang, we need to talk. Specifically - who you run for, and if it’s indeed - the man.

Artie reminds me of this kid i knew who died when he was 20

god damn

Loadin trucks. Hahahahaha.

Wow, tough break for ol' Artie. Not saying "wigger" will completely destroy his whole act.

He walked so he talked