Hideous reptilian.

1  2018-10-29 by McGowan9


He's finally turned into Big A. Or rather, Big N.

Big Nose?

Nana, of course. Or Nigger, whichever you prefer.

Funny, as much as "Nana" has been been I still went straight to "Nigger".

Nigger, of course.

He looks like someone dumped barber shop hair into curdled milk

He was going as Johnny Cash and then got the hilarious idea to be the my pillow guy

That's strange, I thought he'd gone as "ugly old faggot."

it's an Enzo!!!

Nice Darkman when he's running low on time skin, stupid

How does he shave with those big, deep crevices all over his face and neck?

A potato peeler by the look of it.

Anthony dressed up as a white guy for halloween.

The sub surprisingly doesn’t give enough credit for getting ant to cut his fro into this horrible Elvis Presley’s corpse look. He’s been obsessed with keeping it like that ever since the Nana nickname got popular

Ant's face looks like he got a skin graft from the back thigh of a fat chick.

That looks like the same blue shirt every guy on Jerry Springer wears.

nice cuban dictator outfit, stupid

His left cheek is turning into the spaghetti on the wall artwork of Cumia Sr.

is he wearing one of those masks that were made of him?

I thought the reptilians were supposed to be powerful overlords like Donald Rumsfeld, not relegated to obscurity like Nana.

Why didn't he wear a fake mustache? Is he really that vain that he needs his full face showing?

Wow. THAT'S the best possible way he can comb all those hair plugs he bought. He looks like a door-to-door salve salesman

He’s in the first stages of turning into an Italian Rocky Dennis 😬

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