People with more believable addiction problems than Jim Norton 1/857389

1  2018-10-29 by rawdio


This dude seems like the kind of guy who seriously uses pills and coke but then starts a rehab to take advantage of addicts with zero remorse.

Thats the story from r/opiates. Supposdly Paxs dad was rich and he got big into coke and went to rehab. Got out and started Passages Malibu with dads backing. (its super nice and expensive as fuck. Like $50,000 a month or something crazy). Now Pax pops adderall like pez and runs a few rehabs and drives a Mazda Miata. Probably just a made up story but ill believe it until i hear otherwise.

"I was an addict, and now I'm not. But addiction is a motherfucker, man."