Nice free speech platform, stupid

1  2018-10-29 by Compound_MediaPR


Great. Now where are all the neo-nazis and schizophrenics gonna rant and cry about blacks and jews now?!?

To be honest theyll shoot up synagogues or churches like that kid in north Carolina

Bring us your nazis, bring us your schizophenics, your tired, your poor

Gab is a really good idea. I hope they get back up and running.

Competition is good but Gab (and Voat for that matter) have already failed. Might as well scrap both projects.

I’m starting to think that the correct response to Twitter’s gay liberal bullshit isn’t “we’re going to start our own service, but without any rules!.” I think most people like rules and order, they just want those rules to be applied fairly.

I don’t hate Twitter because they ban right-wing nutjobs, I hate them because they do so without banning the left-wing nutjobs at the same time.

If you want to start a successful alternative to something popular, don’t tell people it won’t have rules. That sends bad signals. Tell people it will have strict rules, but pledge to apply those rules without bias.

I imagine the conversations on Gab is probably the equivalent of sitting though poker night in Anthony’s basement.

If they really want to be the free speech platform of choice they should start charging $8.95 a month.

clear your cache, reset your cookies and restart the servers.

I guess there were a lot of things on there that EUGH-FENDED some people