Oh my god.

1  2018-10-29 by RBuddCumia


much better than Opie's merch.

Nice shirt stupid.

It’s that shirt when combined with that hat. The combination is thrice as offensive as either one of the two.

This shirt source

Which flea market did a Dominican make that for him?

Nice stroke, stupid.

Mary Jean did NOT make this shirt.

Not a bad design actually. I wouldn’t be caught dead in it, but not bad given the subject matter.

Legend of Thelda

The major head trauma mask

A t-shirt so ironic John Barth wrote nine books about it.

I tried to read Lost in the Funhouse as a much younger man. Couldn’t get into it.

“I am a comedy leschgend, okay?”

Shhee the callersh know

I might buy one.

id rock this without shame