What is this under Artie's nose?

1  2018-10-29 by Jetnozzle360


trying to go for the heinrich himmler mustache.

How does he look worse every time?

we all do, he's just on an accelerated schedule

When the money runs out, that's when the show will get really entertaining

I got a message for you, Nose. You ain't the man. You snort for the man. I fear nothing

I think that happened. He it playing 50 seat clubs now.

Probably brain matter leaking out after astounding amounts of cocaine abuse.

Artie really needs to be put out of his misery.

He needs a lobotomy

He tried to do it himself, but his cunt mum stepped in.

Been doing that nose candy

BoOgEr SuGaR

I have this strange feeling that he's about to fail a piss test and go to jail...

Artie: 'I'm sorry bout that your honor.' pokes self in head with needle under beanie

Lawyer: 'Your honor my client was recently hospitalized'

Judge: 'Well, that's all I need to hear. Case dismissed. With prejudice.'

The result of snorting drugs for 2 decades.

I've been doing that too and my face never looks a jelly donut. His drugs are way worse or way better than mine.

Nigger are you trying to compare your addiction level to Artie Lange's? Why don't you te us about your jogging habits and we'll compare it to Usain Bolt's.

its a good thing he took the high road against shooting up... i mean look how well its worked out for him

also its dried blood.

I've never actually listened to him speak, but I hate him.

Regret & self loathing.

I hate, more than anything in the world, his omnipresent "aw shucks" expression.

Oopsie poopsie!


We're watching a slow motion suicide.

Some of us are also participating in one Inception style

Ang fucked his mouth and gave him the dirty sanchez


I boner garage

even if he was sober I feel like he has some sort of necrosis going on and his nose is collapsing

No shit. It's very common for serious snorters. You can google 'nose ruined by snorting coke' or probably heroin or meth or pills or whatever and find tons of people who have overdone it and lost their fuckin septums and shit. It's the only direction for him to go now. If he doesn't die soon his nose is gonna look like end-of-life Michael Jackson's

Looks like dried blood to me.

Oh, literal /u/FuegoFerdinand

This sick fuck.

necrotizing fasciitis

Who the fuck knows anymore

I've been doing that too and my face never looks a jelly donut. His drugs are way worse or way better than mine.

Oh, literal /u/FuegoFerdinand