I had a big fight with my chick last night. I know I could never have a gun because I just get so fucking irrational when we fight. Anger can be a real motherfucker.

1  2018-10-28 by RBuddCumia


People who say that, and also people who say "If you have a gun it will just be taken away from you and used against you" sound like 12-year-olds. They have a preteen's understanding of the world and human behavior.

"I don't need a gun because I'm a real man."

Are ya?

Stewing & brooding...... fucking darkkkk mannnn

You know he listens to Sabbath right?

Fuck, that's pretty heavy music

The top of his head is sloped like a camel's back.

There’s in indentation that nature provided for anyone who wants to eat soup while they fuck him in the ass.

I'd upvote this for the attention to detail but I want to downvote it for making me picture it. Take the upvote anyway

Would be a shame if he turned the gun on himself

With a mo trigger!!!! In a pool of HIV!!!!

It wouldn’t. Oh literal me.

Can you imagine having to fight, let alone fuck this retard?

In a prison situation, there would be know foreplay or fighting.

yeah, i'd kick his ass and fuck his little butt

And he's love it.

IS he?

Is there any greater faggotry than being a grammar nazi?

I still laugh knowing how much he pouted over the DJ Hughely thing and then wehn he got a chance to confront him on air he totaly pussed out and kissed his ass. HOMO

Just for the fact that DL was the first person to call bullshit on Bruce DeJennerate’s bravery, he should be considered a friend of the board.


Jim actually convinced me that a woman CAN be trapped inside of a man's body, because he is a little bitch.

What did he say? Something like "we've had issues before..." Absolute utter faggot cocksucker.

No idea who DL is, but he was the most humble guy ever. "I'm sorry, and I felt bad about that, and let me tell you why." He probably didn't even remember that shit but immediately went into a confident and sincere apology.

we've had issues before. Yes this ^ & something like "you no showed at the last minute and your people called me, not you & I held a grudge." Not saying he shouldn't have been upset at that but man up and talk it out. Maybe listen to WHY DL couldn't make it. Legit or not he did (have his people) let Norton know he wouldn't make it to his stupid nothing show.

Yeah just started calling him a genius and shit. What a pussy

Look at him and Sam's interview of Jesse Jackson all the years he spent talking about how much of a SCUUUMMBAG he was and then he blows him on air.

when he got a chance to confront him on air

Keeping in mind he never wanted to confront him, he had been dodging him for however many months after the fact and it was only when The Psycho set him up (both by having him booked and putting Worm on blast directly in front of him) did he say anything. He'd still be brooding with his little vendetta to this day if he was never duped the way he was.

It’s true. If Jim had a cock he would sit at home all day and edge with it for 14 hours then show up to his job tired and hungover. No self control having faggot

He's definitely threatened to commit suicide after every break up he's ever had.

Imagine the calls at 3 am.

Pretending to be drunk

I literally said to her, YOU HAVE TO STOP. I think she could tell I was going to a dark fucking place man.

Bitch always wants more tokens. It's a tough one.

Its a motherFUCKER, dude...

deep fffffawkin sniff

You are way more likely to irrationally stab someone than pick up a loaded gun and point it at someone. At least for me a gun is like a machine you don't play with.

Man when he told that story about running and grabbing a knife... chills man.

I never before realized how non-existent his upper lip is.

Hopefully he gets in a fight with his next "girl" friend and throws himself off the balcony of his really nice apartment

Fucking Worms 'R Us.

My God, he’s so interesting. I have to know more. I might even admire him. He so dangerous, yet he restrains himself. Mysterious is the animal that leashes himself.

Jim really wants people to talk about him behind his back, the way people talk about characters in an 80s martial arts movie.

My God, he’s so interesting. I have to know more. I might even admire him. He so dangerous, yet he restrains himself. Mysterious is the animal that leashes himself.

Jim really wants people to talk about him behind his back, the way people talk about characters in an 80s martial arts movie.