A woman asks Ant about dating younger girls. Ant tries to get out of it with humor. He fails. The woman presses him on it, openly mocking him as he squirms in a corner, while Jim tries to help his friend out by being loud and distracting. (timestamp is 23:26)

1  2018-10-28 by ComePoundMeDear



Stop pretending Jimmy hasn't made that joke every fucking time your dating life is brought up, you annoying, phony has-been.

It's easy to be "quick" when you just recycle the same jokes over and over

It’s almost like some lame type of Tourette’s where he hears something even remotely relatable to trannies, aids, or his other go to topics and he instinctively rambles off the same little comebacks. He’ll even do that to things he says himself. It’s really pathetic.

He’s become the 90 year old Jake LaMotta he mocked just 5 years ago.

"I fucked Sue Lighting so much I got electrical nerve damage"

rethink posting a paragraph then expecting me to watch a chip video

if you are awake and downvoting on sunday morning please understand that you are a faggot

if you have ever watched a chip video you are a buttfucking faggot

im awake on sunday morning because my balls are empty and i needed to shit

home many of you are here at the least active time on this sub because you are worthless unfunny faggots

suck my drained testicles you failures

nobody loves you


Self-hate yuma, tsssss


I wrote the paragraph describing what happens so that conscientious objectors such as yourself can choose to opt out from watching it.

lmao she openly asked him if he needs to use viagra to get an erection on account of his being so fucking old. I like this slit, who is she?

She was on the money too. Both Dani and Melissa mocked Anthony for his impotency.

Exactly, that's why it's so brilliant.

And his reaction, looking down and mumbling "No, no, of course not, huh huh... holy shit?"

I don't know why he would be so ashamed of it, he's almost fucking 60 years old.

He's ashamed of everything about him that's true

And drinks like a fish

Almost 60? Gotta have passed that stage by now

Did they? Fuck, I missed it.

But when he was with Melissa he wasn't so old: alcohol might be the main culprit, even more so than age.

That or he's gay and can't get it up for women (other than Sue).

Yes, "women" like Sue.

Anthony spent good money on those horrible tits so the least I can do is respect the proper pronouns of his tranny lover.

He has heart problems and has a stent, so he probably can't take old man hard dick pills in his condition.

Where is this info coming from that I keep seeing posted? I am not doubting you but I would like a source.

He's talked about it before and also admitted he didn't have to stay in the holding cell long when he was arrested because he was transferred to medical because he needed his heart pills. Also, ex girlfriends and Danny have talked about his heart attack(s) and heart problems.

Thank you.

Honestly its hard for gay people to get an erection with a woman.

I'm willing to wager his cock problems are substance and mental related rather than age. unless you count living like a sexually deviant alcoholic for so long as 'old age' i guess.

strange reading those yt comments after marinating in the alt-left hugbox this sub has morphed into

Yesss Ant is back, FAWK YEAH!

Recently I was thinking of making a comment about this too. I can feel the slide down alt left this sub has been taking as well.

Can't tell if serious but yeah it's a thing. top two mods are never-Trum/per types and mod with their politics. Daily deletions. I've said it enough that i'm beating a dead horse but the further down the rabbit hole you go the shittier things look. still funny people here but it just feels creepy coming here at this point. Those mods aren't going anywhere or changing either so no choice but to take it for what it is, but at least be aware of it.

Both of you, fuck each other and go away forever



imagine being so sheltered that you think /r/opieandanthony is politically correct





Orange man BTFO!

Don't worry, the RED WAVE is gonna put all these cucks* in their place, 'pede.

It was HER turn. Those Neon Nazis are CANCELLED, comrad

vote ratios on particular comments in this comment thread will prove me to be right

Oh good you’re here. I was worried you got arrested in Pittsburgh yesterday.

I appreciate your concern. It's a long game, though. chimp outs aren't my style

I will grant you that if you were ever involved in such a shooting, you have enough dedication that it wouldn’t end in your arrest.


It's a long game, though. chimp outs aren't my style

Sounds like quite the life goals you have there, champ. A real pleasurable and normal existence, no obsession and mental illness whatsoever.

I'm hamming it up, dumpy

Your downvote spergs are authentically autistic. Two thumbs up.


Those Youtube comments are all from dick riding Ant & Jim groupies. Also if you think this sub is alt-left then you’d probably feel more comfortable on Gab with like minded individuals like the Pittsburgh shooter.

my comments really get these guys coming out of the woodwork

Looks like we found one of the last compound media subscribers.

swing and a miss

This coming from a guy who found those terribly lame YouTube comments refreshing & entertaining.

strike 2

It really has become a weird Chapo outpost.

it's just run of the mill sjws/alt-left/fragile POC. Has nothing to do with Chapo, other than that the users here now overlap with them ideologically.

It's the top two mods who molded it into what it is now through deleting, word-filters that auto delete certain posts (such as any post containing Tr___) and banning. The point is that there is no agreement from the sub community on this turn, this isn't the majority opinion - The opposite is true. It's an artificial, engineered safe space.

They used to argue when this was pointed out but the evidence is so blatant and has built up so much that they just try to insult you rather than address it. The only way they can have a place like this is with an authority who controls things they don't like. Pretty good lesson on how someone with an ideology and a power position can fuck up a huge community.

I'm consistently impressed with how much of a faggot you are. What a worthless conspiracy theory.

muh "conspiracy theory"

karma city, here you come

Lol you care way too much

Shut the fuck up you dumb faggot

So Chip is just Jim doing regular jokes in a wig now ?

Jim is like Ricky Gervais character doing a shit sitcom in Extras.

wig, glasses & catchphrase.

Difference being; the Extras character was pondering the choice between mainstream national TV, & life as a low-paid extra. Jim's pondering obscurity & obscurity in a wig & glasses. Aww.

When Gervais sold out with a prop character in Extras he had..

A wig ✔

Catchphrases ✔

A successful sitcom. ✔

Jim as Chip has:

A wig. ✔

Catchphrases. ✔

A successful sitcom ❌

A podcast that's rapidly losing viewers with each show. ✔

Comedian in wig making baby noises

he totally lost sight of what made chip funny years ago

Yeah, the Jerky Boys.

We rightly razz Jim on this subreddit, but getting Kellyanne Conway on the podacast is pretty impressive.

Strong, confident Anthony Cumia. He sure does wilt under question

"I need my radio handbook!"

On the spot allright. Oh those 'conservative' values.

What makes it even worse is her story. Which imo she shouldn't be embarrassed about.

Virtue signaling is hard for a young pretty white woman

Too be fair, kissing a 20-year-old guy when you're 24 is an abhorrent crime against humanity.

I’d spend an inordinate amount of time sucking Christines tits

Anthony gon Sue her. ⚡️

This shit is terrible. Stop trying to create controversy with this inane hack garbage. Ant was arrested for choke-fucking some kid. I don't need to hear some cunt yammer on about how she's a dipshit.

You know what's funny? I love YKWD when it's most of the OG or all of the OG crew. I mean, same fucking thing basically, but without the fucking hacky bullshit. Norton can't just be part of a conversation he has to spill his hack juice all over the floor. Like a faggot.

CacaDick.... your pills.

I'm as passionate about finding Jim Norton's talent as Liberace was about finding a nice girl to settle down with.

Cacadick, what are you, French ?

I'm Puerto Rican and French.

It's like God both pissed and shit on you.

That costs extra, mister.

He's just breaking balls and right away you're getting fucking fresh.

Fresh as a daisy, you diarrhea smeared twat.

YKWD is shitty too.

No, I told you it's good, stupid.
Now eat a bowl of my shit and keep quiet.

I feel like YKWD hasn't been the same since Kelly left.

I don't really listen regularly. I honestly just look for Soder/List eps. Even though Luis is a ballbag, he's good on that show with Soder and List and Bobby.

Soder and List are still good. The best episodes are Bobby, Soder, Kelly, Luis and List on the show in some configuration. Kelly was good because she wasn't really a comic but she knew how to take a beating and she could get good digs in at Luis.

Could you drop Kelly's name a few more times?

Thank you for watching this bullshit so we don't have to

It's embarrassing that he's incapable of defending of himself these days. Before he got suspended some blue checkmark black lady on twitter called him an "hideous and racist wife beater" and he responded by calling her a liberal.

Why bother being funny when your only remaining 20 fans will cheer you on no matter what? Ant genuinely believes he's still hilarious, save rare moments like this where everybody's laughing at him.

A podcast with 3 holes and one grown man nonstop doing silly Jerky Boys impression. It sounds like a great concept, it's weird that it's so boring and awkward

Ant has aged twenty years in the last three years.

No effect over his life whatsoever.

He is one unfunny and uncharming man.

Shit Dickerson Pedocast

Loud and distracting... or BABY NOISES?

Nice succinct title, stupid.

Some people would rather not give Jim the 'clicks', so I thought I might summarize for them what happens so that they can join in as well :)

Shut the fuck up, you silly little queer.

See, it's fun typing on Reddit isn't it. If I hadn't done my big long title, you'd be bored right now and with even less social interaction than you're having projecting your insecurities onto another anonymous loser

Notice he was too afraid to admit he tries to fuck minors so he had to say he likes 20 year olds.

Same guy who used to boast about that very fact. But then, he was part of the joke. They were laughing together. Now, he is the joke. They are laughing at him.

It's like poetry; it rhymes

I usually don't mind jim, or i used to not mind him I guess, but holy fuck is chip just the worst, most tasteless thing Ive ever witnessed

Jim makes baby noises to distract from anthony falling apart during pedophilia interrogation.

Pussy pedophile fag

And he’s such a fucking liar. I guarantee you he uses some sort of erection pill but feels like if he admits it he’s a lesser man.

Ant used to know how to own it. Now he is just an old demented man, just like his mother

The fact that any man who is in their 50's would confidently proclaim to date women 18-22 instead of Ant's mumbling really goes to show he's guilty for preying on 13-15 year olds.

Is that Lena Paul?

Chip now and has always made me want to stab myself in the brain. GET IT, ITS FUNNY BECAUSE ITS NOT FUNNY! Going into its 10th year

Look how sheepish he becomes, pretending he has to think about it for a moment. When he's surrounded by his smelly poker buddies he knows and gloats about age and has it memorized down to the hour, but in front of adult women he waffles and tries to be all coy about it, like it isn't first and foremost on his mind.

This girl is ballsy, not in the Sue Lightning way.


Soder and List are still good. The best episodes are Bobby, Soder, Kelly, Luis and List on the show in some configuration. Kelly was good because she wasn't really a comic but she knew how to take a beating and she could get good digs in at Luis.

Both of you, fuck each other and go away forever

Self-hate yuma, tsssss

imagine being so sheltered that you think /r/opieandanthony is politically correct