Reminder: Opie and Patrice would talk on the phone four hours. Anthony, on the other hand, fucks mentally ill young men.

1  2018-10-28 by boringoneliner


patrice liked having a white friend and opie liked having a friend

Meanwhile Anthony wants everyone to believe he has black friends, but is terrified in every picture he takes with one.

"Gimmie fiddy cent" rings through his head as cold sweat runs down his back.

It’s really sickening that Ant and Jimmy fuck trannies. It’s not that they’re having sex with men that’s the issue but the fact that they’re preying on and taking advantage of the mentally ill.

To me they’re on the same boat as kidfuckers and people who take advantage of the mentally retarded. (Unsurprisingly Anth is both of these)

Some far left girl I worked with dates an autistic. Pretty autistic as well the whole crazy tantrums in public and from what I've heard on that needs to be dependent on someone side of autism. Has said their relationship is sexual as well. Pretty fucked if you ask me.

Yeah, but stick around. She’s gonna want to fuck a normie at some point, so be there in the clutch.

Is she hot?

I've never met the girl, but no.

fat left.
dates an autistic.

Is it wrong to make an assumption?

I want to see a SJW push that men who don't identify as women or some other shit, and are fucking trannies, are rapists.

You have it backwards my friend.. the young mentally ill boys, and a nordic man are taking advantage of these assholes. They want to be girls, they dont care.. they can do that better if some scumbag gives them money and tits for shit they're already doing. Then they can go to their monthly chicks with dicks meetings and laugh like loons at these love struck faggots.


I never heard this claim they talked for hours. Was this said on air?

Yes, pretty sure it's on the memorial show right now after he died.

They reference it several times in his earlier appearances. They would talk about movies or tv they had just seen

Weird to think that patrice really cared about Opies opinion. Because I think there is no chance he was just sucking up.

Maybe he didn't, but Opie is a professional and Patrice liked working with him enough were he didn't have to be difficult, they were bouncing ideas about movies/shows/docs off each other to be prepared for work.

Huge waste of time though, Ant and Jim have shown the last few years how naturally talented and hilarious they still are and Opie was just holding them back the entire time.

He could have respected Greggg's business acumen because he saw what he did for Jim.

Also, gggreggg was cool on rogan and was probably a lot more laid back without the other two around


Like a lot of things Gregg says, that was a fucking lie.

Patrice talked about it FUCKFACE

Leave it alone

You have that last sentence backwards.

Nana and Jamey really should start a line of lingerie for elderly men.

Opie was a generous man to give so much of his time to that black man. Truly a great man.

Four hours is a pretty long time

no they didnt

I always remember when Patrice talked about women Opie acted over the top impressed/amazed and kept wanting him to elaborate while Anthony actually started acting like he was actually mentally abusive. I guess Anthony just likes hurting women the old fashioned way.

My grandpa never bit no bitches sir

And in return, Opie helped with getting Patrice a show on the radio.

Maybe he didn't, but Opie is a professional and Patrice liked working with him enough were he didn't have to be difficult, they were bouncing ideas about movies/shows/docs off each other to be prepared for work.

Huge waste of time though, Ant and Jim have shown the last few years how naturally talented and hilarious they still are and Opie was just holding them back the entire time.

He could have respected Greggg's business acumen because he saw what he did for Jim.

Also, gggreggg was cool on rogan and was probably a lot more laid back without the other two around