Oh shuuuuurrrreeeee, gimmie the li'l tyke, I'll hold 'em

1  2018-10-28 by Single_Action_Army


Well its official, racism has ended. Now can we talk about how much money all 3 of their doctor visits are costing the bill footing taxpayers?

Why do black babies need Nikes? They ain't running the combine for 15 more years.

They need redbull because it gives you wings. I will see myself out.

Don't let the troubled youth viciously assault you on your way out

Kill yourself while you're at it

You mean like chicken wings like fried chicken? You mean it gives them fried chicken? Is that what you mean?

Makes sense to me.

I was actually going for a black baby being able to fly and land gracefully using their wings after their father flees the scene of a failed robbery joke.


That picture makes me angry for all the right reasons.

He appears to have rescued the child from a refrigerator.

That's Refrigerator Perry and you will show him sime respect

Old man deserves a little action, he spent his whole life working so his tax dollars can raise that child.

Boo hoo. Why doesn't his tax return just pull itself up by it's bootstraps then?


It’s an inanimate object. So, it can’t.

With those decent tits? I hope so

I'm sure he just did that out of the kindness of his heart.

As well as his peh-ckah

Fuck those commenters in that thread for holding stranger’s babies and what not. Not holding your spawn, not your personal crib.

I’ll hold a strangers baby but if I drop it I’m immediately blaming them regardless of how it happened

You gave your baby to a stranger and things like this are bound to happen lady!


Uncle Joe's Grip


First erection he's had in decades

Lol call me a fag but that is heart warming. We all could use a hug from a random old man.


This is the literal definition of cuckoldry. Virtue signaling to the max while Warren Sapp fills out paperwork to the best of his reading and writing abilities.

I hope she used her welfare check to buy Pops some new blue jeans


They’re not people!

Nice Berger’s on that Nubian queen
