So I was at a bar tonight and Keith the Cop happened to be there with some friends. I overheard them talking about Joe. Apparently he has a rare form of pneumonia now.

1  2018-10-28 by DiddledHerInTheGoo


pneumocystis pneumonia?


Nobody's got aids!


Pneumonia Stupidis?

I don’t believe you

This is the worst story I've ever heard, and I've read the entire Sweet Valley High series.

As a kid I would balk but as an adult I can see a certain yuma in reading some of those books. Thanks for the suggestion, brotherman.



In sick of you drunks and your shaggy dog stories.

In light of recent humiliations, it's an honor to be joined by men, and not faggot ass corn-holin' cocksuckers leaching off his brother.

Have a bread stick

Have an egg vibrator, it makes you emotional

Crowdfunding childspit didn’t work in Northern Africa (their homeland) and it won’t work here

Pneumonia Faggiosis?

Did ya?

He hasn't been running around with the worm has he? If so, it may be a little more serious than pneumonia. Did he take prep?

The gay cancer?

OP is a gossiping fruit