Card carrying violent pedophile

1  2018-10-28 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


He's a "I do your laundry, sweetie." kind of dad.

He's an "I'll do your laundry, sweetie." kind of dad.

Absolutely not

He's going to jack off to his daughter's panties you dolt. He's not really going to do the laundry.

Hey!.....okay fair enough.

Keep her home from school most days and make her change clothes right before mommy picks her up.

It's all right here in the pamphlet:

He does absolutely no work around the house because he’s a trainable.

The only thing Joe Cumia gets violent with is his gaping Tunisian shitter.

"Layla? Can you come here for a sec? What's this?" <unzips>


They called me cawd carrying violent.

There's a card for that?!

I hear photoshop calling...

He did say card carrying a lot didn't he....

We all know... he can still enter legal contracts.

Thank you, your majesty

Big Dumb Guinea Chicken Hawk.

Card carrying racist misogynistic card carrying violent white supremacist pedophile card carrying white male deviant ghoul card carrying man.