So we can blame Anthony for all this?

1  2018-10-27 by WhereTheShitComesOut


Why is the proud boy wearing an OTO sweater?

I'm seriously wondering this as well

No. Blame liberal pinkos that assault right wingers everyday.

Blame NYT for being in favor of firing people over jokes but hire an actual proven racist with 3 years of racist tweets

Blame CNN for saying, "ANTIFA is legally wrong but morally right"

This photo is scary. I hope someone is gonna help that suit wearing bearded hipster cuck faggot, he’s completely surrounded by those alt right maga red hat guys.

The jew cries in horror each time they strike you

We know, stupid

Michelle Goldberg

It's no longer about 'can we,' it's now about 'should we' or maybe 'musn't we?'

That guy on the right is (((a guy on the right))) and he is definately a Mossad agent but what do I know?

I will bet anyone any amount of money that his first name is Joshua

More like Mustards agent.

I want to hit Gavin i his dumb face until he agrees to shave his beard and stop pretending to be a man

The comments in that thread. Jesus christ. Someone should shut this gay website down.

As much as I hate Anthony, I really fucking hate the New York Times.