Remember when Joe tried to get people to start using Gab? Free Speech Brother

1  2018-10-27 by crookedmile


White Supremacist Terror Network

It's the premiere social network for racially motivated mass shooters with concealed carry permits.

Speaking of which some queer decided to shoot up a synagogue in Pittsburgh. The beefers...fucking monster.

Nigel Igger lit a candle for the beefers

Well with strong labels like that they should change the name from Gab to HITLERBOOK

Ah Booga booga booga! Scary white men mannnnnn!

It's a gag, proud boy. Go raise bail for your compatriots.

Raise Bail? Nobody I associate with is in jail so the brush your using to paint this picture isn’t wide enough.

I must have been found guilty by proxy in the Kangaroo Court of the Internets...

The Broken Clock thing here - Gab is pretty good stuff.

Hahahaha, him and Ant were gone before they even got in there. I miss that week.

He goes where Ant goes. I'd tell this faggot to live his own life but I imagine he'd lose his meal ticket that way.

The block button is what they live for. Its like a rat on a feeder bar. It makes them feel good about themselves when they use it.

Those niggas just got booted by Paypal.

And their hosting people just booted them, too. The synagogue shooting is the perfect reason to throw them off the internet. They'll be getting the DailyStormer treatment pretty soon with some address ending nobody has heard of. I mean, its already

Who many iterations until

I mean, I don't want these guys to get thrown off the normalfaggot internet, but they're absolutely gonna get exiled. Next thing they're gonna lose is Cloudflare and products like that. They're fuckin' done, son.