Is Artie Drinking Again?

1  2018-10-27 by tunisianknifer


If you look like you sleep on a park bench with a newspaper for a blanket, you might as well keep drinking until your early death.


Looks the picture of health.

Artie is drinking at a bar, but it's only one drink.

He is going to meet somebody real quick and leave right after.

He is holding that beer for a friend

I bet he has heroin bags hidden under that dumb hat.

Is jim a faggot?

Is ant a pedophile?

Is joe retarded?

Is sam ugly?

Does opie have tits?

Opie has nice pectorals. He could've been a model in his youth.

He has big fat tits and looks like a literal retard because he is one.

I thought he had a piece of tape holding his nose on but that's just the light shining on rotting meat

He's doing better. No loafers.

At this point, why not?

He will out live Ant somehow.

Eh, better than snorting

No addict just drinks and stops there. At least that's what Norton told me.


Like he ever stopped, this weak sister


He's just so fucking disgusting.

He is probbaly as thin as he ever has been since he was in his teens but its not a healthy thinner. He looks sickly as always & that nose, my GOD!!!! Horrendous.

He never stopped

He looks like he smells like the combined odors of a freeway rest area.

We're at the "can't bend his fingers" stage of his diabetes. That means his feet smell and next stop is wheelchairville.


That looks like the fake rubber hand from Kingpin

Artie is looking young and spry!

My mistake, Old and inflamed

No way, Artie wouldn't violate his probation,

Artie ages like fruit

fruit tends to shrivel when it rots. Artie ages like a can full of botulism

alcohol is the least of muppet nose's problems.



That's a Sarotoga Springs sparkling water bottle

Does Steve Carlisi shit in the woods? (RIP)

Artie nose he has a problem.

Seriously, how much longer does he have? End of the year?