Which of these GODdesses would Jim give his yummy nummies cummies in the tummy to first?

1  2018-10-27 by EmptyHero


So which subreddit moderator team is this?

I find it funny that every single one of them suffers from mental illness.

This is every late night hosts writing staff

Red hair one is a passable after a crate full of yager and pack of blue chew

Maybe if you're gay

Hey oh lets not use any labels.....

ProtoMagicalGirl? They're basically the Sam Roberts of speedrunning.

Those average plain janes?!

plain johns*

Why would any man want to turn themself into a fat chick? Atleast lose some weight if you're going to pretend that you want to be a pretty girl.

The speedrunning community is rampant with trannies and I have no idea why.

A lot of the people who become trannies seem to be a bit on the autistic side I have noticed.

The last time I saw a tranny in real life was at a mall and this disgusting piece of shit literally looked like Chris-chan and behaved like a loud retard.

He wore a skirt that was so short you could see his underwear/bulge at the bottom. Being a tranny it a mental illness in itself but this dude was obviously fucked in the head like a Chris-chan type.

I was so angry I wanted to knock him the fuck out but legal issues aside, the big faggot could probably take my punches with ease, he had to be like 6’0+ and at least 250 lbs.

Just imagine all the kids that by virtue of being small have his crotch in their direct line of sight and have to see his balls hanging from his skirt. Fucking disgusting.

Say Chrischan more.


Every girl I ever met in Maine.

People don't actually live in Maine, do they?


Sometimes dead is better

A couple generations ago the men in this country were storming beaches in Europe and Asia.

That’s what got us into this mess in the first place.

The one with the LEGO bow and purple hair looks like Mac DeMarco.

reddit meetup

I would complain to mall management about that

Fucking gross. The she/he that's 2nd from the left has their hair dipping into their drink. This whole table is full of gremlin class troons.

My theory about communities like speedrunning is that there are so few women involved that some of the more beta males become trans like how some prisoners become the "bitches" on the inside.

What the fuck is it about playing videogames for the internet that causes people to transform into these abominations?

Jaws couldn't fit his whole chin in frame

Well, would ya?

So this photo gets to stay up but mine featuring the same people was deleted. Makes sense.


The Unfuckables.

There are very few guys who are at the top of their game when they decide to chop their dick off. It's usually someone too young to make decisions, complete dopes, or guys who have fallen from grace

A lot of the people who become trannies seem to be a bit on the autistic side I have noticed.


Sometimes dead is better