Its hard to imagine why Compound Media is struggling with this guy running operations

1  2018-10-27 by simorulzzz


I want to know the story behind the reply, “who let you into that hallway?”

Lol did they rebrand as Compound America?

I hope they aren't expecting international subsidiaries. Compound Media India - "These black crime statistics are getting out of control"

They are trying exactly that, #canadiancompound. What a bunch of dummies.

No way. I didn't think it could douchier than "Compound East".

Today the East, tomorrow the world

The world to them meaning Ronkonkoma.

Incompetent ratfaced faggot. You don't hunt whales with line and bait

She looks like she has food stuffed in her cheeks

He’s a real fucking dolt isn’t he

Today the East, tomorrow the world