Identity Politics And The Rise Of American Anti-Comedy (OR: Everything Is So Fucking Gay These Days...)

1  2018-10-27 by TangerineReam


Fun fact: Google "I'm not political." And enjoy angry feminist blogs suggesting that non political people are worse than the alt right. They're coming for us all, even if we choose to tune it out. They're coming for us all.

Fucking read this dude...its in the GODDAMN NEW YORK TIMES:

It really is going past the point of reasonable doubt. It's on the way to confirming every single conspiracy theory normal people have about these people.

That's no shock. If they could point a rifle at us and demand we scream out their political agenda, they would. I'm far from a Brother Joe or Nana, but I plan on voting Republican this election year until the Democrats calm the fuck down.

That's exactly what I'm doing. The LGBTQ+ niggas will be just fine. They just wont be able to have their daily created genders recognized by the government. Abortion might take a shot, but then again abortion isn't just a women rights issue (or a pro life issue).

If people vote red this election, it can only mean one thing: that this post-modernistic deconstructionism isn't working out for the left, and they have to go back to the center, because the rest of normal America has HAD IT.

If people vote red this election, it can only mean one thing: that this post-modernistic deconstructionism isn't working out for the left

Did you see that 'GrabEmByTheBallot' thing?

I'm not convinced that's not satire but the fact I have to even guess if something so absurd is parody or not is terrifying.

More over: If people vote red this midterm, then when its red again this November and in 2020, it's either going to make the left more insane or way more disillusioned. 90% possibility it will get worse, vs. the 10% chance it could get better.

Yeah, they'll just deteriorate worse. I'm thinking complete de-platforming for anyone even center right. The whose Russian thing will get worse. I think that they never expected there would ever be another republican president after Obama was elected. Like political power became a birthright to them. It's scary.

Wow that article is a load of shit. The justifications that guy makes are fucking retarded. The only good people left are the non political people. I remember when openly talking about politics was seriously looked at as asshole behavior. Now everyone has their dipshit takes on everything. Thank social media and the news media for this fuckery. Politics are a fucking snooze.

Great article. Touches upon nearly everything we do here. Maybe he's a reader.

I think he's the one that posts the khazir beefers

(Mazel Tov!)

At this point I've come down to the conclusion that the only people who actually love this country are the people in the middle and people who aren't political. The left are a bunch of whiney misbehaving cunts who want to start throwing rights away and silencing people by any means necessary. The right are a bunch of neckbeards and gung ho faggots who larp as protectors of America with their leaders who they treat like Christ himself. Everyone needs to shut the fuck up and worry about their own lives instead of reading politcal garbage all day.

Neck beard faggots Larping.

"Yu yu uhuru.."

reading the spectator

Oooh, posh.

