Overrated hacks.

1  2018-10-27 by CharlieWaflesBR



Kill yourself. Carlin is great

Carlin isn't an overrated hack but he's an overrated hack's favorite comic.

a take as hot as the faggot cum in your asshole

they had all the answers

Ah the weekly post about 90's comics having dated material

Their material being dated has nothing to do with it. Just can't stand these two preachy faggots. They've always been horrendous.

They were the furthest thing from hacks. The reason both were somewhat overrated is that they didn’t hack it up enough. It’s okay to sometimes sprinkle in dumb, easy, obvious laughs. As Florentine would say, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

I only heard him talk about ketchup.

A lot of Carlin's stuff doesn't hold up particularly well, but you have to be a fucking retard to think he's a hack.

Carlin's stuff holds up incredibly well, probably better than almost any comedian ever. All of his bits on you tube have like 10 million views, and most of them are young people just discovering him. Carlin is kind-of like O&A in that way. So many people discover him through you tube. Most of these old comedians don't hold up like that at all.

Carlin was hilarious before his Jersey special.

Two of the greatest. Can be proven with math. You can still hate them and think they are fags. And they might be fags, ButstllDabessdo.

Its a generational thing. Carlin isn't overated I dont think. I can randomly watch his stuff still. Bill Hicks I do think is overated. I think most Bill Hicks fans come from a crossover of spergy Tool fans. I think Pryor and Dice Clay can be put on that list as well. I really don't enjoy any of that shit. Especially Dice Clay. He has never made me laugh. Every other five years I've played "Day the laughter died" thinking I would eventually get it because so many people praised it and there wasn't a laugh to be had.

Clay doesn’t really hold up but you have to compare him to what was going on at the time. Imagine seeing 3 “what’s the deal with airline peanuts” type hacks and then dice comes up. It was a revelation.

Yeah you really got to think of the time. I respect it for that.

Dice is a better actor than he is a comedian.

Compared to today's stand-up Carlin is fucking amazing.

I think if Bill hadn't died... that's a rough one, man. He'd either fall into the SJW shit or he'd have done a complete 180 and become borderline Nazi and would've gotten blackballed by certain segments of show business.

His bit about the sniper rifle pendant is still funny

I think he would have gone after both of them. He hated PC culture and the religious right.

Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever.

"Ratshit Batshit Dirty ol' Twat. 69 Assholes tied in a knot. Hurray, Lizard Shit, *FUCK*"

It was a bit embarrassing that they tried to pretend they were philosophers, but they weren't unfunny. They just weren't likeable at all.

i love em both, Hicks more so, Ey what do I know though. Fuck me for having an opinion.

I'll take both of them over 99% of comics today. Neither are hacks even in the slightest. Redundant? Sure, hack, no. The biggest problem with comedy today is that the only reason this PC garbage has been willing to infect everything is that all the big names caved too easily to it. Maybe if these guys were still around that could have been different. We can all agree they're funnier than Lenny Bruce right?

Yeah, i don't get Lenny Bruce at all.

I'm not doubting it was probably great for it's time. But none of it holds up and I'm not quite sure it's even comedy. I bought Lenny Bruce records when I was in my late teens and I wasn't even willing to pretend to get it at that age, I doubt I would now.

Hannah Gadbsy of that time.

you know who's a hack, Dennis Leary

Christopher Lloyd and John Ritter are ok I'm my book.

Carlin’s books are amazing. Some of the content is recycled stage material but a lot of it is just these hilarious thoughtful bits that range from weird zen koans to skits to funny musings like this:

”I've also grown weary of reading about clouds in a book. Doesn't this piss you off? You're reading a nice story, and suddenly the writer has to stop and describe the clouds. Who cares? I'll bet you anything I can write a decent novel, with a good, entertaining story, and never once mention the clouds. Really! Every book you read, if there's an outdoor scene, an open window, or even a door slightly ajar, the writer has to say, "As Bo and Velma walked along the shore, the clouds hung ponderously on the horizon like steel-gray, loosely formed gorilla turds." I'm not interested. Skip the clouds and get to the fucking. The only story I know of where clouds were important was Noah's Ark.”

They’re all on YouTube as audiobooks and I highly recommend them. Bill Hicks dined out on the same two hours his whole career though so fuck him.

Hey Groucho,today's secret word is Jacuzzi, but first the blow job.

I only heard him talk about ketchup.

Yeah, i don't get Lenny Bruce at all.