
1  2018-10-26 by RelevantField


i hate todays culture

I haven't watched The Simpsons since season 8 or 9. So I really couldn't give a fuck. But shame on them for giving in to the Fagtrick Tomlicunts of the world.

I hope the main cause of heart disease is found out to be getting offended.

u/theronin23 must have been offended a lot.

Apu will be shitting on the streets in heaven. JK, he'll come back as an Indian baby and be raped to death

Futurama is better anyway. Plus, it actually ended.

it didnt “end” it got canceled

then it came back, sucked, made a couple sucky movies, and got canceled again

Seinfeld ended.

And even after its second cancellation, Groening still tried to bring it back again.

I used to blame Simpsons perpetual renewal on Fox - it isn't. Groening shares blame for being a money whore.

I wait for the day Simpsons ends. I'll watch it, and probably say it still sucked.

Futurama was good for 4 seasons, but the revival was awful

It's hard to believe that this show was once the best comedy to ever be on TV. After the 10th season - which was decent - there was such a sudden and steep drop off in quality. No TV show will ever be able to disappoint me like The Simpsons did.

Aziz Ansari and Kumail Streetshitter will be marching in the streets.

I assume every hack Indian comic will stop doing impressions of their parents' over-the-top accents now too, since it's so hurtful and inaccurate

That is incredibly poorly written.

Does lifting make up for being Indian?

He was the best part of that show you havent watched in 15 or 20 years

wheres my fucking NUKE



Why do all ugly smelly foreigners bask in being ugly and smelly, them cry that it is a misconception?

Good thing no one's watched The Simpsons for about 15 years.

Don't judge until you've seen what they're going to do.

As for me, I'm glad they're done with antiquated stereotypes.