1  2018-10-26 by TheDreidelMan


Is that why he reached out to Gregg?

Somehow Anthony is going to end up as Gregg’s butler.

"Well he's myyy BUTLER!" SNIFF

That would be a satisfying, comfy ending to all of this

Bruthaman wins in the end

You call him Gregg. For Anthony it will be Mr. Hughs, Sir.

Master Hughs

It's Hughes, you two idiots.

“Haha you don’t need to call me that, we did radio together!” However once his guests leave the residence Mr Hughes will remind his nigger that he indeed should address him in such fashion, it’s the bit

More than his suicide, I want to see him lose his house. He’s built his identity around “the Compound” and losing it would really crush him spiritually and emotionally. It would be so much sweeter if he offed himself in the flophouse motel he would inevitably move into.

Hed fit right in in the trailer parks around Virginia. Im sure some fat crossdressing redneck would love Ant more than any 16-26 year old girl ever will.

You ain't lying, I just moved to Virginia from the Bronx and the Bronx actually had more class. And I'm only speaking about Northern Virginia, half hour or so from DC

Oh god youre in the upper class too! Just wait till you get towards south of Richmond. It’s unbearable. There are whole counties you just need to ignore.


Very forgettable

I went to Albermarle High school for my freshman year. Charlottesville is consistently ranked as the best town to live in America. How is that count as a bad place to live?

I lived in many parts of VA growing up. Winchester, Charlottesville, Lynchburg. I love VA. Winchester is a very nice town, that's where all my family is from. Shennandoah valley, blue ridge mountains. My grandparents own a 150 acre farm, the house is a huge brick mansion that was built in the 1700s. Apple orchards everywhere, nice historic downtown. Founded by Quakers (my people). It's heaven.

Jk I'm a Hoo. Trying to get the fuck out of NY/NJ and move back there next year.

I live in Houston. Deep down I would love to go back to VA. But Houston has tons of high paying jobs and very low cost of living, it's too good of a situation to leave.

Never seen more rich yet classless people in my life than when I lived in Loudon county up there. The rest of the state can go fuck itself too, got locked up for a weekend in Farmville,Va for rolling paper.


got locked up for a weekend in Farmville,Va for rolling paper.

'Land of the free' right there

bluefield rules

Holy shit, parts of Richmond look like Nigeria

NOVA isnt Virinia

Lamesville been there moved back to mass - mongormery county stinks

Yeah, but what paet of the Beonx? There are still like 5 neighborhoods left in the Bronx that are fairly nice and low crime. Filedston, Riverdale, Spuyten Duyvil, Country Club and Pelham all come to mind.

Tell us more about neighborhoods.

I grew up in rural Virginia and my dad always said "eye-talians ain't nothing but inside-out niggers"

He was a smart man. What part of rural va? It gets rly gross over by Tennessee

Westmoreland County, pretty much exactly in the middle between Fredericksburg and Richmond. Real redneck, obviously. My entire family all lives in and around the same town.

Ah ok. I think i mightve worked out there before. Its beautiful to visit the mountains but i dont want to live there. Its bad enough 30 mins southeast of Richmond (Goochland, Amelia area)

The mountains are definitely great to visit and camp in. Westmo is really pretty too, it has the rappahannock and the potomac flowing thru it, beautiful forests, tons of history. I live in NYC now and I still prefer the dumb as shit rednecks I grew up with to the human filth I rub elbows with up here

He could have just left off the “inside-out” part

He's going to move to New Mexico and blame "the left."

breaking bald

Yep. If he loses the house he will just move to a place like Texas with a bit of land and pretend he only did it for the freedom.

Haha ho-lee shit

I'm sure he's mentioned before somewhere that he wants to leave New York, but he' stuck there. I can't recall when or where, or even why. I imagine just so he can say he's always wanted to leave when he inevitably does

Sadly I think he'd have Nooo problem weaving his lies into a tapestry of denial. He's been able to do it with his entire life and lost career. He's still talking about how much better he has it now after losing a gig where he literally just had to show up and make millions versus now where he is hemorrhaging money paying out endless expenses on a failing network just to claim he's still a broadcaster.

When he loses the CumPound he'll make it about how he just wasn't using the space and the neighborhood went to shit with all those libtard yamika wearing joos and so he chose a trailer in Nevada so he could have his guns back and shoot in his yard

Maybe he’ll move to Brisbee with Stanhope.

Chad Shank would have to bounce him after the second party.

The hpuse has already lost 800k on value and the taxes have only risen. There's a good chance this will happen providing his inevitable 2nd heart attack is 5+ years away.

3rd heart attack

He already lost his guns and twitter so the compound is all he has left.



Vurry good.



It's like a battery charge.

I wanna see the wop lose his house movie

fuck i was gonna make this joke, god damn you

If it was in a nicer area I'd be tempted to look into it when it goes of foreclosure auction

there is a n-person in the area, loud parties and drunken half-fits. FYI

Look about 100-120 miles west. Away from jersey and Long Island (same thing, guineas and strip malls)

There's no fucking way he still owes money on that house, is there? Is he that shitty with money?

I guarantee you he used his house to get a loan to finance his shitty network.

The mortgages should all be public record, unless he paid cash for everything.

He owes a mortgage and someine posted here last year that he owes over $30K in back taxes on the property. They actually posted a screen shot with all the info but it was deleted due to showing personal info or some shit.

Addicts aren’t known for their financial savvy.

MOST people are that shitty with money.

Someone posted his refi here not that long ago. He even took out a something like a ~$50,000 second mortgage. I don't see how he owes back taxes though, those are almost certainly being paid through escrow.

Is this true? I want in on the fun.

Ain't it fun?

He's half a lawsuit away from going broke. I know a lawyer who's up for it too. Very smooth face, handsome, knows how to slap around a pocked faced granny...

Does Ant know him as -N?

Ant knows all those people as N.

He could always get Dominic Barbera to represent him

No he cant. Wasnt he disbarred and thrown in jail recently?

Putting him squarely within Aunt's budget

I never understood how these people with 15+ million dollars end up going broke. What did he even buy to spend all that?

Let's say the house is 1 mil, and he spent a million on cars, dinosaurs and beer, then 500k on his studio.


What the fuck did he do with the other 12.5 million

Amazon wish lists for underage girls.

gave half away

atlantic city

sad trombone

A podcast network that never made any money.

Taxes and insurance for a house the nice I a hell of a lot of money. And I bet he wasn’t living the most frugal life outside of that

500k in lawyer fees for the biting/beating incident and then a hefty amount in compensation.

What’s up mersh why are you using alt accounts?

Judging by your post history you seem to think everyone is Mersh. Maybe stay away from /r/conspiracy for a while.

Bro Joe's allowance, his ex-wife's hush money, tits for trannies, two ghostwriters.

What's some of them other expenditures we got?

He bought the house for about 3 mill, actually.

The house would be $1M most places in the country now, but it's an expensive area and he bought at the height of the bubble in 2006, it was almost $3M. He implied his divorce was at least $3M also. But yeah, he should've been set with the money he had even after all that.

I stopped listening when the RSS feed stopped. Can someone fill me in?

Yeah is this speculation or is there something he said or a source for this? Source? SOURCE!??!

i would not be surprised if his house cost multiple millions of dollars. My friend's house in a nearby neighborhood cost $650,000 for a 3 bedroom 3 bath starter home. Looking at the cost of similar properties to Anthony's on Zillow suggests a house like his goes for between 2-3 million.

Yeah, but wasn't Ant making like 8m a year? I remember hearing someone say that on air.

I think the house was like $2.5 million. I believe Opie’s apartment (I know a manager there) was like $8Mil.

I heard he paid something like $2.X million, right at the top of the housing bubble in 2005 or whatever. Its down to a little over 1 million now. If it wasn't paid off or he took out a 2nd mortgage, he could be underwater on it

Imagine working your ass off in college for a decade to become a lawyer or a doctor, your wife gets a job to help pay down your student loans before you have kids, you finally make it, get a nice house in a nice neighborhood in the suburbs. You pop out a few kids, you’re living the American Dream, then one day some hideous dego moves in next door, puts up a velociraptor statue in the front yard, and spends all day doing burnouts in the driveway in his mustang and his nights hosting pool parties for middle school girls.

Guarantee his neighborhood is full of private practice doctors whose stay at home wives drive their kids to fencing lessons in new model minivans and roll their eyes as hard as humanly possible at the try hard new money pedophile down the block.

Called it one year ago


Stinks is still around? I thought you OD’d, man.

Time's a wastin you long haired prick

Oh wait yah i did sorry... 😵

That’s the face of a man who is faking his success

Wait, is this real?

How could an “Italian” blow through $15 million so quickly


Its odd how so many things end exactly how they should have began. It would be a funny fish out of water thing for Anthony to sell his Hebrew NYC Suburbia McMansion and buy a proper compound with some real acreage to it in a solidly red state in the Midwest or Deep South. It might have been funny to see "Anthony's Real Compound" in North Dakota or Arkansas or something. If he does it, its only because he's in ruinous financial straits, which of course he'll pawn off for social and political reasons and not acknowledge that he desperately doesn't want to leave urban New York but he's forced to. If he winds up in Abilene, Texas or something like that, there's no way to spin it. If he did it summer of 2014, that would have made sense. This doesn't. Nobody will think he's some sort of eccentric, flamboyant artist like Doug Stanhope who sincerely is in Nowhere, Arizona for personal and performative reasons.

Anthony may be an idiot but LOL at the people here acting like he should've paid for his house in cash and not taken out a mortgage.

3rd heart attack