Looks like somebody is about to toss a shrimp into his mouth

1  2018-10-26 by catscabs


Can we temporarily suspend the propie bit to do a pro bobby thing. I feel like this fat bastard needs a positive push

A push back into the ocean maybe

Haha I know. I sincerely enjoy bobby jelly

“This week on 120 Minutes...”

It's not out of the realm of possibility that there is a crane about to dump a net full of shrimp, crab and lobster into that big fat yap of his

Fat Powder looking ass nigga.

check ya inbox, 9+ ur popular

The hamplanet's dyin', Cloud.

When Dennis Leary hired Bobby to play the drummer on his shitty show, he told him that he never wanted to see Bobby "without a donut in his hand".

Because Leary is Bobby's "friend".

Fuck you, Dennis Leary; even though that's about the sixth worst thing you've done.

I love Bawby. Bob - please read all this bashing and instead of laughing along, use it as fuel to get healthy.

He really does look like that Hellraiser nigga